Go to school you lazy fuck

18 1 12




The two voices boomed through the barely awake house

Right. Guess introductions are a must or smtn. Full names are boring but who cares lol

Andrew Demi Scrap(s) Dunbar
The oldest - but still the dumbest and very naive. Also extremely salty.
Also the one with the funky personality.

He had chin length brown hair and somehow two pieces of hair that just kinda hover over his head.

He usually wore either crimson hooded shirts or gray turtlenecks.

With the latter he sometimes puts on a tie and he if he knows he's gonna be bringin contraband to school he's gonna wear the leather one.

Otherwise he keeps it in a small 'mailman' satchel where he also kept his phone and other necessities such as food, bandages and disinfectant

It was made specifically with a small compartment that was made with the intention of fitting at least one small dosage bottle of poison, a lighter and a pocketknife. He wasn't gonna any of those things... not until he was paid the right price, of course

Remy Tem Dunbar
The middle one - very silly and social

Her hair was kinda dyed with some strands being colored red and the rest being their natural dark chocolatey color
She wears... lots of black and red now that I think about it... oh no

Al- y'know what, I'll just say it rn: the youngest of all was with their grandparents in a garage that they repaired in a house due to the amount of stairs they had to take to get to where the two older sibilings were chilling

The thribilings had to move to said house because their parents had been arrested for emotional -child- neglect, but otherwise they were only down the road.

The houses were in a very secluded and rural part of the country, with lots of trees and other such natural plants.
The place also happened to be the side of a (thankfully not steep) hill and also there were wolves lurking around.

Returning to the subject at hand, today was Wednesday the 10th of the first week of school. School was delayed due to war complications (yoooo, narrator getting real).

It was December to be specific, which meant in exactly all the 7 days of the week it would be the genderfluid sibiling's birthday and that therefore he would get to skip, because the only people who even knew when his birthday is are the people at home. Sad.

Running from the narrow hall to the kitchen, he grabbed a granola bar and started packing his bookbag.

His granpas insisted he do it in the morning but he was too tired to even think and he just kinda passed out with no recollection of the last 5 mins and before he knew it it was 6 am and the sun was rising.

"Soooooo, any friends yet?"

"Pffffft, you bet not"

"Why is it so hard for you?"

"I dunno, dude. Maybe it's because the last time it only resulted in depression? Not everyone has loyal friends silly"

Despite the dark and totally out of left field nature of said statement the both of them laughed it off.

"C'mon, loser, let's get you to hard mode kindergarten"

Due to the monotone, almost yan-chan sounding tone Andy was using, most would've assumed he was insulting and gotten mad, but really this was a result of past experiences we're too early in the book to talk about.


"You're gonna hang out with Alex or whatever her name was... your bestie"

"OH YEAH, Let's go then, bro"

Walking down the steep stairs, the two sibilings made sure to hang on to dear life to the railings, they wouldnt wanna have a nasty fall... no that's not foreshadowing dw.

"Of there you are my little starlings, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah" "sure"

Entering the car Andy could only sigh and hope the anxiety won't pool in too hard.

It might've only been three days of the first year of... elementary school? I dunno, this isn't set in America
(I just realized that I was supposed to go somewhere with this. Oh dear...)


Akward silence filled the room, and would've continued to make its presence known if it wasn't for the sweet heart that was the two scholars' grandma.

"Wanna do your morning prayers?"

She was very christian but in a good way. She wasn't homophobic, transphobic and respected the transfluid boy's pronouns (&"names) along both of their... 'queer', romance choice so therefore she was nice.

Saying morning prayers wasn't an average person's idea of a car ride to school but it was something Andy wouldnt have had any other way.

Remyyyyyyyyyyyy, she probably would've liked it more if she could have the quiet to look at her phone and perhaps watch a little bit of anime, catch up on Tpn, y'know?

That didn't matter, since it passed the time and we need time to pass.

"We're here Remy, do you want me to help you with your bag?"

"No thanks, we're right in front of the gate already. Bye~~"

Thanking the sweet about 60 year old Remy left the car and ran to her school.

Her exitement might've been surprising but like mentioned earlier she was going to hang with her best friend of at least five years so she was hyped for the day to end for all the right reasons.

"I'm so sorry we had to move you to this school. We know liked that school but this was the closest school I could get to without getting lost"

"It's aight, 'ma, I'm actually kinda glad. Taking the bus alone is something I actually worried about"

That's right. He was scared to be alone... at least it wasn't silent- WHATEVER...
Now's not a good time to worry, he had places to be, liiiiiiike a non-specific culinary school that doesn't exist in real life :D

Jumping out of the still car the naive boy headed towards the new place.
He was slightly excited, maybe he would find someone to trust.

As Andy was skipping to the main entrance a strange individual was checking what task he'd have to do.

He was quite new at this, it was actually his first time

Another TIMEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora