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Hello, everyone! As you all know I have not been very active on wattpad for about a little over a year now. Life happened, I had other interests and this app just became less important. This being said, I am more invested with writing overall, it may have to do with the fact I miss writing on this app or that I have so much free time during the summer, or even the release of season 4. Whatever it is, I am truly coming back to wattpad to write once again. When I decided to do this I noticed how many people really seemed to enjoy this story and me, myself forgot what I wrote so I read through it. This story honestly made me laugh and I am really looking forward to writing the next chapter, as we speak. I hope to have it up by tonight or tomorrow. One thing to keep in mind however, it has been over a year since I have worked on this story. I am older. I have wrote more, and ultimately my writing style has changed. It is still similar but I like to think I have improved over time lol. This is me just kinda giving you all a heads up in case y'all are confused on the change. Not to mention, being gone for so long, I felt that I needed to say something before then just continuing out of nowhere. Anyways, I hope y'all still enjoy this book as I continue it. Make sure to take care of yourself and enjoy your summer <3

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