Chapter 6: Heat

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I felt so stupid, all I could do in that moment was stand there and look at him. However, without me having to say a word, Mike went over and turned up the heat inside of the sauna, making sure it was set to the max temperature of 220 degrees.

Billy then begun to grow more impatient with us, as it got hotter inside the inclosed room. I swallowed hard before finally getting my bearings, speaking in a clear voice. "Look. We are just here to help. We wouldn't be doing this if-" I begun but then was immediately cut off by the furious blond.

"Open the door," He demanded in a serious tone. "Open the door." He said once more. His words sounding as if they were echoing throughout the entire building rather then just this one room. I couldn't get myself to speak right away so I just nodded before walking closer to the door.

I knew how Billy was. Little things set him off. Not to mention what we were doing probably made absolutely no sense to him, which most likely just irritated the male more. "Open the fucking door you pieces of shit!" He suddenly shouted which caused everyone to flinch.

The shouting continued as everyone stood their ground. The room itself begun to rise in temperature, as it did so in the sauna. Making sweat drip down my forehead as everyone else also seemed flushed and red from the heat.

Will then had went up to the meter to check the temperature as he then glanced back at the group. "It's 220," he informs as he then steps back over to where everyone else was standing. The blondes shouting now turning into grunts, and the grunts into groans and not before long he seemed to drop to the ground as small sobs could be heard coming from inside.

Max was the first one to step closer, she wanted to see her brother. I moved closer for the sake of Max's safely. I wanted to tell her to back up but at the same time that didn't feel appropriate to say, so instead I just stayed with her.

Eventually Max was close enough to see inside and so I moved closer behind her to peer over her head. Billy was sitting there, muttering things out like 'it's not my fault' and 'he made me do it' all while having his hands in a prayer like position.

Max then begun speaking back to him. Trying to reassure him and make him feel better and know everything is gonna be ok. I felt my stomach turn as I listened to all this. It made me honestly kinda sad. Billy just two days ago was fine and now, only God knows what happened, and now he just hurting and so were others around him.

Before I was even able to chim in I heard Mike say something faintly. "Get away from the door," he said the first time. That making me glance back at him. "What?" I questions just for merely a second after him repeating the same thing but yelling it over to me and the ginger. "Get away from the door!" He shouts just as Billy breaks through the glass window on the door.

Off of instinct, I grabbed Max, shielding her head as Billy begun making jabs at us with what looked to be a broken piece of tile. I moved fast enough to save Max from harm but with the first jab from the tile, Billy had managed to give me a pretty large gash on my shoulder. It ripping through the navy blue fabric of my sailor suit shirt. That was gonna be a hard one to explain to Robin.

"Steve!" Dustin shouts out worryingly once seeing that but I immediately dismiss it. "Don't move!" I yell back, not wanting none of the kids near Billy while he was like this. Just then however Billy broke down the door as me and Max still hid in the corner.

El was the first to make a move as she lifted up a weight and threw it at him in order to stop him from charging at them. I then took this opportunity to get me and Max out of the corner, shoving her ahead of me so I could make sure he didn't touch her. Too focused on saving her to really focus on anything else. Only for Billy to grab onto my ankle and in the rush of things cause me to fall to the ground were I hit my head right on one of the bench presses.

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