Chapter 4: Shirt

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The same routine follows into this morning, only I was awake well before it was time to go. Adrain was still asleep as I made my way downstairs into my large white kitchen. I looked through the fridge hoping to find something I could just eat, yes I had the time and the skills to cook but I don't enjoy the activity and would much rather eat out. I ended up stumbling across an eggo box and decided that would do, I grabbed 4 out of the plastic wrapping before putting them into the toaster. I waited for the ding as I plated them on two separate plates, one for myself and the other for Adrain. I set both plates down onto the table and just like clockwork she walked into the kitchen, sitting down at one of the plates.
"Mornin," I say, setting some butter and syrup on the table.
"Morning," she replies quickly before digging into her waffles. I smile softly before sitting down next to the other brunette. Not much words were spoken this morning as we just spent the time eating and fully waking up from are slumber. I finished first following with her finishing soon after, I took both of our plates and put them in the sink as she ran upstairs to get both of our swimming bags. She soon returned setting them by the door so that we'd be ready for whenever everyone else arrived. A few hours had past and just like the day before the kids knocked on the door, me and Adrain both grabbed are bags and walked out of the house and greeted the others. Once we were on the road the kids kept talking about Billy... why Billy? I was kinda confused but mainly paid attention to the road ahead of me but I did pick up on Max saying something about Billy coming home oddly late and with a gash on his forehead. I figured he got into a fight and then got drunk because... well because that's what Billy does. I was so busy thinking about what she had said I had just realized that we arrived in the parking lot. They all quickly jumped out of the chair and started running towards the entry, I laugh softly at there actions before getting out and quickly following them. I had the kids sign in but I had noticed the brunette running the front counter seemed more prissy then usual.
"What's your problem today?" I asked, already fed up with the girls consist attitude.
"Let's just say the hottest guy I know went for a freakin 40 year old woman," She rolled her eyes, before taking the clip board and disappearing off somewhere like she always does. That was odd, I thought to myself. Who could she be referring to and why would he be interested in someone so much older then he is? I honestly don't see the appeal in dating older woman, not that they weren't even attractive but it was like dating someone's mom and that kinda grossed me out . During the two hours we were waiting for the party I had already put on his swimming trunks but as I looked in my bag for sunscreen I realized I had forgotten mine. I continued to shuffle through my bag looking for the banana boat symbol on a bottle.
"Looking for something?" A smug voice came from behind me, which I knew belonged to non other than Billy. I turned around to see an odd sight, Billy was... wearing a shirt... yeah a shirt... I know I wouldn't believe me either but yet here he is. I just shrugged it off before responding to his question.
"I forgot my sunscreen," I admit as the kids make there way over to the lounge chairs still about 10 feet away from us.
"Don't sweat it, I got some," he smirks, before squeezing some of it onto the palm of his hand, "Turn around," he commands as I turn red, he rolled his eyes, "I'm not gonna do anything, I'm just gonna put some on your back," he explain and then I finally turn around. I almost immediately feel his hands on my back as he slowly rubbed it onto my pale skin as if he was giving me a message.
"Princess you know what sunscreen remind me off? It's thick and white like-"
"Oh my gosh Hargrove... stop! There are children nearby," I exclaimed as I whisper shout, I could hear him faintly chuckle as his hands left my back. I then turned back around to face him.
"I know you enjoyed that but I'm guessing you can do the rest," he says smugly, grabbing my hand and placing the bottle of sunscreen in it. He then walked off into the water as the children followed right behind him, I applied sunscreen onto the rest of my body before also getting in with them. Once we were all in they learned how to bob in the water, it was fairly simple all you had to do was jump up and down in the water. It was to be used when you were in deeper water then you could stand, that was within a foot of your high that is. During this Billy seemed off as if he hadn't gotten enough sleep, he also seemed extremely sweaty not to mention he was swimming with his lifeguard shirt on which was weird.
"What's up with you?" I ask, seeing as the kids were chilling for the last 5 minutes of lessons.
"What...? N-nothing..." He says simply which was odd, he wasn't being flirty or an ass... something was definitely up but just as I was about to question he spoke.
"Everyone out! Pools opening soon!" He shouts before literally hightailing it into the locker room. I sighed before shaking my head and exiting as well, me and the kids grabbed are stuff before leaving. I had a odd feeling about the way Billy was acting but I didn't have much time to question as I had work today and the kids wanted me to drop them off at the Mikes. Adrain worked with me and Robin but she had the day off so she was going over with Mike and the gang. I soon arrived at the Wheelers and they all took off inside the house, I sighed softly before heading towards my house so I could get changed. Seeing as my house was close to Mikes I arrived pretty quickly. Once there I quickly got dressed, grabbed my stuff and left to scoops ahoy, the mall was already flooded with people so I had to get in quick. Immediately upon my entrance to the parlor I was being yelled at.
"Really Dingus!? You left me here for 30 minutes!" She exclaimed, I knew I was late and I did feel bad because for the last few days I had left her here on her own.
"I know, I'm sorry," I reply, she just sighed before serving more costumers. Most of the day was spend doing just that, serving the unless amount of people that came in. I thought the pool seem crowed but this was a whole other story. Robin left early which was far but that then left me to lock up, I did so and kinda go creeped out by the malls silence so I took off to my car. I hopped in and quickly drove home, the drive kinda gave me a spooky vibe... it was super dark and some fog had just rolled in, not to mention the water that started pouring out of those gloomy, gray clouds. I had finally gotten home luckily without getting into an accident and just went straight to my bed, I didn't even mind the fact that I was in my sailor outfit and slightly wet. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep feeling drained from the long day.

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