Chapter 8: Can You Hear Me?

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It had been a few days since the events in the Hawkins Pool mens, locker room. The party had been told the day after they unflayed Billy that they needed help from Nancy. In the moment they didn't get into details why, but I of course agreed and they were on their way.

That being said, Max decided to stick around since Billy was still at my place recovering, while Adrain hadn't woken up yet. It was a cloudy day today, it looked like it just might rain, but more so like the sky above was contemplating wether or not to let the ground underneath it get moisture.

I was currently sitting on a desk chair that I moved up to be right next to her bed, where Adrain laid. "When do you think she'll wake up?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I glanced back and saw it was Max, she was leaning against the door frame of the room. I then just looked back at Adrain before speaking. "I don't know.." I admit honestly with a shaky breath, tapping my foot against the floor anxiously.

"I'd probably do you some good to get some fresh air. Sitting next to her isn't gonna make her wake up any quicker." I hear a new voice speak, I knew who it belonged to but I looked back anyways and saw it was Billy's. Of course it was Billy's.

"I can't.." I simply say back. "She's been asleep for a few days now. If she doesn't wake up soon, we probably have to take her to the hospital." I inform. "She can only go so long without eating or drinking anything.." I add.

Max then crosses her arms as she sighs. "Let's give her until today." Max says, but then thinks of something else. "Let's hope she wakes soon. Not just for her health but.. just the fact that we are probably gonna have to fight whatever was inside of Billy." She reminds the group. Everyone stilled a little bit when she had mentioned that, even though we all knew very well a battle was coming.

I however then finally stand up and face the two with my whole body this time, running my hands through my hair as I nod. "Ok.. alright," I finally give in. I then look back at the brunette laying in the bed and then back at them. "L'll just make breakfast or something for the time being." I say as I then walk past the two that were standing in the doorframe.

They then followed me downstairs and into the kitchen as I begun to take things out to make pancakes. Max got bored after a while so she retreated into the living room where she watched some cartoon that was playing. Billy on the other hand, stayed in the room with me.

He helped get things when I asked but for the most part, he just stood and watched. I was currently flipping one of the pancakes when he suddenly spoke up. "Hey.. this whole.. almost dying thing has got me thinking a bit and.. and I don't know, I wanna apologize." He says. I then glance over to look at him.

I was expecting some smug look but instead I got a much softer look, a sincere look. I then just let out a breathless laugh as I looked back down at the pancake that had just begun browning against the pan. "For what?" I questioned. I had a good idea of what he meant but after all this, I wanted to be sure instead of assuming something.

"That night at the Byers. When I beat the shit out of you," he responds, I thought that was it but he soon continued. "And I suppose an apology is also needed for that night at the Hawkins Pool." He adds. I however, shake my head. "It's all good man. The second one wasn't you fault but, I forgive you. We all make mistakes and, who knows, maybe after all this shit, me and you can be friends after all." I say back reassuringly.

The next thing I saw was more shocking then anything else I had ever seen from Billy, and that's saying a lot. He was smiling, a real genuine smile. A look I had never seen him wear before.

"I'd like that." He then says to follow that smile. I myself couldn't help but smile back at him. I then looked back to the pancakes before feeling, who I knew was Billy, gently brush some of my hair out of my face, that causing me to glance up at him and smile some more. He then kept his hand there, slightly in my hair and touching my cheek.

"And maybe.. after we become friends we could, y'know, maybe try and be a little more." He then adds. I wasn't sure what he meant by that but at the same time I felt like I did. Either way, I didn't wanna ruin the moment so I decided to then copy his words from before. "I'd like that." I said back with a more cheeky this smile and so he grinned at my response. I wasn't lying though. I really did see myself hanging out with Hargrove more. A lot more.

He then finally removed his hand from where it was and begun getting cups out from my cupboards. For some reason all that, that had just happened made me happy, it made me hopeful, a feeling I honestly hadn't felt in a while. Despite this feeling, I went back to focusing on the pancakes. About 20 minutes had passed and I had platted all the pancakes I had cooked, setting them on the table.

We had set a place for Adrain like we had been the last couple of days, just in case. A glass of orange juice being poured there as well in the cup Billy put down by her plate. We then just begun eating, there being nothing but minor small chats being spoken between us.

Then out of nowhere someone spoke up. "Hi.." They said in a rather raspy voice, but when I looked up it hadn't seemed to come from the blond nor the ginger and now, instead they were both looking towards the entrance to the kitchen that lead to the living room. I then looked over at what they were looking at and there I saw, it was Adrain.

The brunette had blood coming down one of her nostrils as she then walked over to the table and sat down without saying another word. As if she hadn't been unconscious for a few days now. She then just without hesitation begun stuffing the pancakes that were on the plate into her mouth.

Everyone, including me just kinda stared at her. I did finally speak up as I grabbed a napkin and whipped underneath her nose so she didn't get blood in her food. "Calm down before you choke." I say in a stern tone as she then just whines and looks at me while she's chewing the food she had mercilessly devoured.

"Cut her some slack. She was asleep for like two whole days." Billy chimes in. Adrain then chokes slightly on her food, but was able to swallow it and clear her throat with the orange juice she was now chugging. "Told you." I said back.

She then completely ignored my comment and instead spoke about what Billy said. "2 days..? Is everyone ok?" She questions with a look that was mixed with worry and shock. I now see that may have been the reason she choked suddenly when Billy said that.

"Yes, everyone is fine." I begin. "Everyone except Max and Billy went to go help at Nance since she said she needed something. Although Dustin called me yesterday and said him and Erica were now with Robin." I inform, but that seemed to only make her grow more worried. "Help.. help with what?" She asks.

I hadn't known myself so all I could do is shrug to her question. "I don't know.. she didn't tell me right away. She just said she needed extra help."

Adrain lets out a long groan like sigh out when I said that but soon after she then stood up and begun picking up everyone plates and putting them in the fridge. She obviously earned complaints from the three of us but she seemed to pay no mind to them as she then begun talking. "We need to find them." She said. "Everyone. Hop, Dustin, Robin.. we need to find them all." She says as she then goes into the living room to get her shoes on. I then follow her almost immediately, the siblings then doing so soon after.

"Hey. Sevy. Take a deep breath. What's wrong?" I say to her, putting my hand on the slightly panicked brunettes shoulder. She then sighs a little bit as she stops tying her shoe and looks at me, and the two others that were a little ways behind me. "I saw something.. like when I was asleep. It didn't make sense. I thought it was a dream but.. if it's real then.." she paused for a little bit to collect herself. "They're all in danger."

I was still pretty confused by this but I knew if Adrain had seen something that alarmed her then, it needed to be checked out. I then nod to that as I turn to look back at the other two. "You heard her. Shoes on. Get a backpack or something of things you'll need and let's head out." I direct them as I then walk past them and head upstairs and get my backpack, making sure not to forget anything, especially my truth worthy nailed bat.

I then made my way downstairs were the three were waiting for me. Each of them having the things they needed and their shoes on. I then quickly put my signature Nikes on as well and grabbed an extra pair of shoes and my keys. "Alright, let's roll out."

Word Count: 1691

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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