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I was still standing there as I watched Truman revisit the memory inside his head

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I was still standing there as I watched Truman revisit the memory inside his head. It was a terrible night for Truman. Well, more like terrible week. He had shut us out for around a week and after those few days went by, we only saw him in class to start and complete his finals. After that he went back to normal. We didn't question him.

After a minute or two, I saw Truman pull out a picture frame with a picture of Meryl in it. I finally had the guts to show myself after just... Sorta.. Standing there, waiting for him to notice that I was there but he never did.

"Hey, Truman." I called out in a quiet voice. I didn't need to scare him shitless did I? "Oh, hey Mads." He responded in an almost disappointed tone.

"Hey, that's a new one!" I commented, referring to the new nickname "Mads". I liked it, I hadn't heard it before. But I liked it.

"Haha, yup. Kind of said it in the moment I guess." He looked down at the picture.

"Hey what's that?" I questioned as I sat down next to him on the bed.

"A picture? Of my wife?" He answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Well, it was. But that's not what I meant the question to come out as.

"No I know that stupid. I'm just talking about the fact you pulled the picture out of a locked chest with a bunch of random stuff inside it. Oh, what's this?" I picked up the red jacket. I knew what it was, anyone who has ever watched this show does.

But the key to acting on the Truman show is 'Pretend you have no idea that he was just brushing his teeth in the bathroom.' – Margot Ortiz. You understand? Fake it till you make it I suppose...

"Hey! Don't touch that!" He growled. It was kind of alarming to see him so protective over.. A jacket. But it had sentimental value so I can't judge. But it was pretty funny in a sense because his eyebrows go a little too far down, to the point where his eyelashes and eyebrows meet.

"Hey, hey, hey! I didn't mean it. Besides, whose jacket is it? I haven't seen Meryl wear something red a day in her life." I mumble the last part.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to snap like that. It's just... Someone forgot their jacket at work one day and I just forgot to give it back." He lied. I probably would've believed it if I didn't know the truth.

"Ah well then, might want to do that soon. But why was the picture of your wife in a chest?.." I questioned. "Well, look I'll show you." He whispered. I really wasn't expecting him to show me what he's been doing for the past couple of months. It seemed too secretive. God forbid, he wouldn't even tell me the truth behind the jacket.

"So, you know how I go to the magazine stand before work everyday?" I nodded in response, "Well, I've been using some of the models' face pieces to put together this girl I met a while back." He then opened the back of the frame to reveal the girl he's been making from memory,

"That seems a bit creepy, don't you think?" I slightly joked. "This girl, she was special. He nodded to emphasize how much she meant to him. "So, is that what the girl looks like?" I questioned. It didn't look exactly like her, but it was close. "Well, for the most part, yes. But, the eyes. I eye's are off. I just can't find the right ones."

'I'm sure you'll find them soon. It's only a matter of time I suppose. "I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah. I actually have some pairs of eyes that might work." He then got up and walked over to his desk. I followed close behind him. "Ah, you sound like an eye doctor!" I exclaimed. "My mom wanted me to be an eye doctor, so it's probably for the best." He stated. "I guess you're right." I laughed through my words. I grabbed a tall stool from nearby his desk and used it to sit next to him at his desk. He grabbed a pile of ripped out magazine eyes and started to place them out one by one.

"What color were her eyes?" I asked in a quiet tone, focused on the girl. "Blue. A grayish blue. They were one of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. There's no way in hell I'd ever forget what color they were." He rambled "That's... Nice." I blankly responded. 'They must've been breathtaking then..' I thought. He looked at his options and picked up one swiftly. I then placed it on top of the eyes that were currently there.

"Close, but no cigar." He whispered loud enough for me to hear. He loudly sighed but one of the eyes caught his eye. He almost hesitated before picking it up. He slowly placed it on top of the eyes already there and looked at it for a second before grabbing the light and bringing it closer so he could see it in the brighter light. He lightly smiled at the sight of his lost true love.

"She must have been beautiful..." I said almost breath taken. I couldn't even lie to him, she was a beautiful girl. "She was Maddie, she really was." His eyes finally met mine. We kind of just sat there, looking into each others eyes. I could feel my cheeks heating up after staring a minute too long into his eyes.

"Well then Truman. It's getting late uhm. I think I should head home now, I don't want to show up to work late." I got up quickly as I started awkwardly laughing. "Oh yeah. Yeah, you probably should. I'll walk you out-" I cut him off before he could continue. "Oh, don't worry. It's alright, really. So I'll see you tomorrow!" I spit out quicker than my brain was thinking, I then sprint walked to the stairs of the basement and jogged up them quickly. Before heading out the door I felt someone tug on my long sleeved shirt.

"Why are you rushing out? Did I do something? I'm sorry... For whatever it was." He asked nervously. "No.. No, of course not. I'm just... Tired, that's all. I want to sleep." I said quickly trying to get out the door, "Don't even worry about me okay?" I reassured him.

"Alright, alright. Just wanted to make sure that's all." He smiled "Alright well, I'll see you at work tomorrow Truman." I smiled back at him. Then I realized he was still holding my wrist. "Oh, sorry. Sorry." He said nervously.. I shook him off and giggled. I walked out the door "See you tomorrow Madeline!" He shouted after me before sending me a huge wave goodbye. I got into my car and rolled down the windows. "Bye, see you tomorrow!" I yelled back. After a few seconds I was off.

Word count: 1195

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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