Act I, Scene 2

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(The evening has passed. The morning has arrived, and NOBARA is sleeping on the sofa. She is still wearing her school uniform. At the sound of chirping birds, she slowly awakens. She sits up, rubbing her head.)


Owww, my head...what happened last night anyway? All of must have been a dream right?

(LUCIO walks into the living room carrying a plate of pancakes.)


Shit. It wasn't a dream after all.


Good morning, Nobara. I hope you've slept well. I decided to make you some breakfast.

How are you feeling?

(LUCIO sets the pancakes down on the coffee table.)


I feel like shit. Why would you care about how your soon to be dinner is feeling anyway?


Your soul won't be as satisfying if you're sick or heavily distressed, that's all


You showed up in my house last night and told me you were gonna eat my soul. Yeah, I'd say I'm a little fucking distressed.

(There is a sound of a knocking at the door. LUCIO gets up to answer it. A black-haired young man, SEICHIRO HENMI, is waiting on the other side.)

SEICHIRO Nobara home? My name is Seichiro, I'm her friend. It's been a while so I wanted to pay her a visit...I didn't know she was living with a man now. I suppose she has one too, huh? That's...kind of unfortunate.

(NOBARA shouts from her position on the sofa.)


I am not living with him! He's just...staying over for a while! And "one too?" What the hell is that supposed to mean?

(LUCIO smirks at SEICHIRO.)


Yes, indeed. Feel free to come inside and make yourself at home.

(SEICHIRO enters the living room and walks up to NOBARA.)


Are you alright, Nobara? You look a little sick. It's been a while, so I thought I'd drop by and see how you were doing.


A while, huh? Yeah, how about a whole year? You told me you needed "some space" after that horrible excuse of a date we went on. I didn't expect that space to be a whole trip around the sun.


I'm...sorry about that. I know that was rough for you, but it wasn't my fault, you know.


You took me to a shitty diner for our date and ditched me with the check because your mom was bitching about your curfew. Didn't exactly get me in the romantic mood, having to spend my allowance money on dry eggs and waffles. Then you're the one whining about needing space? Give me a break.


Well, it seems like you got over it anyway, since you found this guy...where's he from anyway? He looks like a foreigner. But...he seems kind of familiar too.


Ah yes, he's from umm...Hel...Helsinki! Yeah, that's it, I just remembered the name now! I don't see why that bothers you so much. What, are you jealous or something?


Of course not! It's just that...we've been friends since childhood, and I don't like how we've drifted apart over the years. Shouldn't we be trying to mend things by now?

(NOBARA pulls herself off the sofa, idly wandering around the living room and avoiding eye contact with SEICHIRO.)


Speak for yourself. Stop trying to act all innocent when it's your damn fault that my life at school went to shit. I know you stole that girl's stupid little teddy bear keychain back in elementary school. You know, the one everyone tried to blame on me? I saw it in your room before.
You're handsome, you're popular, all the girls love you. What do you even want to do with me anyway? Just leave me alone.


Oh dear, this is a rather tense situation, isn't it? How about we just all settle down, hmm? Nobara isn't feeling well today, and you only seem to be making her more stressed. I can brew us all some tea so we can have a nice chat together.

(The lights suddenly flicker on and off again, and there is a sound like howling wind.)


What the hell? Oh no, not again.


Hmm. I knew I smelled a rather vile stench coming from you, Seichiro. 

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