Act I, Scene 3

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(A tall, lanky young man with brown hair and red eyes enters the stage. He wears casual jeans and a loose-fitting buttoned white shirt.)


Good morning, everyone. Apologies for the intrusion. My name is Lee. Well, at least it's the name someone gave me a long time ago, I don't quite recall my true name anymore. Not like it matters anyway. Thank you for leading me right to such delicious prey, Seichiro.

(SEICHIRO remains silent, his head slightly hung.)


Oh, you cannot be serious. You're a demon too? And what are you doing with Seichiro?


Don't speak to him, Nobara. Every word that leaves his lips is a lie. Lee is a ruination demon. Any human who he takes in will become one of two things- dead, or a demon themselves.


No humans can turn into demons?


Don't worry, I have no such intentions for you, little girl. I only wish to devour your soul.
You seem far more appetizing than that miserable boy, so full of darkness and anger.


That doesn't make it any better! I already have one demon looking at me like I'm lunch!


That is correct. I have already claimed Nobara as my prey. You know our kind cannot approach those who are already contracted to a human. Leave now, before I make you leave by force.

(Ignoring LUCIO, LEE makes his way over to NOBARA, cupping her chin in his hand.)


You know, I don't see how he's worthy of you. He's nothing but a low-level reject demon.
You should come with me instead...I know how lonely you've been. Your friend Seichiro told me all about you. I can offer you money, power, love, friendship...anything you desire. All for the price of your soul as the reward, of course. I can let you live a lot longer than this loser of a demon can. He's always in such a rush to devour his meal, after all.


I longer? Is that really true?


Do not listen to him! He's nothing but a perverted trickster who never holds to his word!


Alright, I did as you told me and brought you to Nobara! Our pact is broken now, isn't it? I won't ever have to deal with you again, right?


You can't be serious! You sold me out to a demon to save your own hide?!


Hmm...nah. You might have been a useless human, but I still need my payment. You called to me when you were a little boy because you wanted a friend, right? You so desperately called out for someone, anyone to be your one and only best friend...and I granted your wish. But since our pact is coming to an end, I suppose I might as well dispose of you.

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