chapter 3

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Bakugou woke up to the feeling of someone lying on him. He lifted his head to see izuku laying softly on his chest he blushed darkly and tugged on the ends off izukus sleeves "Nerd wake up" bakugou said still tugging at the sleeve of izukus shirt. Bakugou had guessed it was probably passed lunch time so there was still dinner left. 

Izuku groaned and raised his head up a hands was grabbing his sleeve he opened his eyes to see bakugou tugging his sleeve gently "I'm up katsuki" Izuku said as he sat up bakugou still had the grip on his sleeve. "You can let go now" Izuku said with a small laugh. Bakugous face turned red as he yanked his hand away "S-shut up you stupid nerd!" bakugou was shocked he didn't know where this new personality was coming from he hopped down swing his legs over the side of the bed not caring to use the ladder. He landed on the ground with a thump no pain ins his legs he stretched and izuku climbed down and went to him Izuku seemed to be about 4 inches taller than bakugou it wasn't a lot though the guard opened the door and izuku and bakugou walked out heading to dinner.

The walk to dinner was very quiet not in a bad way, more peaceful.
Izuku and bakugou eventually arrived and they walked in. Izuku and bakugou went to get there dinner. Izuku had gotten a bacon and egg sandwich and some apple juice while bakugou got some spicy curry and a glass of milk. Once they sat down izuku started talking "So how long have you been here?" He asked. Bakugou had a scowl on his face as he replied " Two years" , izuku looked surprised "Shouldn't someone have came to get you" Izuku said in a worried tone as he grabbed bakugous arms wrapping his hands around it as if he was hugging it. Bakugou looked annoyed as Izuku grabbed his hand "I'm fine nerd" Izuku shook his head and pulled away accepting he that no matter how much he asked he would not get a clear answer. Bakugou eventually got tired of the silence and got up tugging at izukus sleeve. 

Izuku looked up with a curious look "Yes?" Bakugou tugged more. Izuku let out a small laugh and threw his things away before holding bakugous hand and smiling. He frowned but after a few seconds a light smile was on his face. They walked back to there rooms feeling peoples eyes burning through there backs. Once they walked in there rooms izuku went to climb the later only to have bakugou pull him onto his bad and lay his head on his chest. Izuku blushed and wrapped his arms around bakugous waist as bakugou nuzzled his face into izukus chest.

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