chapter 6

610 11 1

Bakugou looked at izuku and deadpanned he has been cursing and throwing his arms around about how he called kamanri "kami" bakugou didn't like him like that and never would he's not poly either. He got up rolling his eyes as he grabbed izukus sleeve. "Izuku calm down" he said softly.
Izukus looked at him "You like him don-" he was cut off by bakugou kissing him. Izukus slowly wrapped his arms around bakugous waist and he pulled away. "I don't like him" bakugou said slowly "Do you understand?" He said cocking his head to the side his blonde hair flowing to one side of his shoulder. Izukus leaned down and kissed bakugou again grabbing his neck and lifting him into a comfortable position. "Yes" izuku said as he broke away. Bakugou hummed and snuggled into izukus chest "Tired..." He mumbled which caused izuku to laugh softly. He pulled bakugou towards the bed and laid down with him. This place was boring but they could refrain by having each other the whole time.

Kamanri 3rd person hallway phone call

Kamanri:Hello? Kamanri speaking

Shinso:Hey Kami it meets shinso

Kamanri:Oh!! Hello there

Shinso:Turn around.

Kamanri did as he was told and shinso was there fully clothed and tired grin on his face "Now c'mon I'm taking you home" he said kamanri looked surprised "but my friends" he said and shinso sighed "go find them but hurry up" kamanri nodded and headed to izukus and bakugous room and knocked izuku got up laying bakugou down as bakugou grumbled. He opened the door "Oh kamanri? What brings you by" izuku said bakugous head perked up and he went to the door standing beside izuku.

"I'm leaving my friend shinso came to pick me up" he said with a hand behind his neck "I wanted to say bye to yall" bakugou pushed past izuku and hugged kamanri "Well see you again one day!" Izuku said from behind them as they continued to hug.
Bakugou pulled away "it was unexpected for you to leave so soon but like izuku said we well meet again" kamanri nodded and left as izuku and bakugou re entered there room.

Bakugou hugged izuku before izuku could throw a fit. Izuku seemed to get why he was doing that and hugged him back "He was not a bad person" izuku said. Bakugou nodded he had gone from rude to more soft but angry kind of person in a matter of days with izuku but in the end he wasn't complaining.

Authors note:

Hello everyone light here! Anyway I apologize I do not know what to do with this story I have no ideas for new chapters but hey I did 3 updates today!

An insane love.... (Bakudeku/dekubaku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora