iv. the matter of a disappearing case

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C H A P T E R   F O U R

Alcohol can solve any problem. That was Celeste's bout of reasoning as she chose to disregard the orders Chet gave her at least for today. Stanley had to clean numerous rooms to pay for a single banner he burned up, and Celeste didn't fancy being slave to Hotel Obsidian for a lifetime, more or less, to pay off destruction of property. In fact, she considered herself lucky that she hadn't been faced with a lawsuit yet.

The sun was nearly set and the bright light from the moon kept the hotel's destroyed front somewhat illuminated. "A drink a day keeps the depression away." Celeste greeted Klaus and Diego from her seat with a raised glass, staring at the hotel's now gaping wide entrance.

The two walked over to the girl, staring at the product of earlier's events, then back at her, then back at the debris. "Aren't you supposed to clean that up?" Diego asked, gesturing to the entire mess of the hotel she made.

"Me and what army?" Celeste muttered. "Told Chet I'm mourning and will start tomorrow. Not sure if he allowed it, but Alphonso and Jayme didn't have to die just like that."

"You barely knew them." Diego raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Still." Celeste paused, sipping from another glass, which made Diego count just how many drinks she was having all at once. "I feel somewhat indebted, or maybe I'll feel a little sad in lieu of this timeline's Celeste. She can't be sad for their death. She's dead. Her feeling are shit. . . because she can't feel." She took another sip, then accidentally choked on it, throwing her into a coughing fit. Diego slapped her back in an attempt to help, which it surprisingly did. A few coughs later, she was fine, adding more to her statement. "Or maybe she's happy for their death because now they can be dead together and I'm the foolish one for being sad."

Klaus pointed a wary finger at her. "Are you like, consistently drunk ever since we got here?"

"Please, I'm not you. Ever since we got here, this has only been the second time. Maybe third or, or fourth." She frowned then replaced it with a grin. "Only that can explain my actions."

"Cheers." Klaus said with a mock salute, sitting down in the chair opposite Celeste and taking one of her shot glasses the vodka. Nice.

Diego sighed. "Are you guys serious?"

Klaus laughed, taking Celeste's white wine this time. "You're saying your sober mind can handle all the shit that's going on?"

As if on cue, Stanley knocked down a table of food nearby and Diego rolled his eyes, going on as if it never happened. "I do need a drink or two, but I can't father when drunk."

Klaus gestured at the beer. "Quick rundown. In a span of less than a week, we find out dad never adopted us, our mothers are dead, Ben is alive and an asshole, I died today sparkling speargun through the chest and all —, you have a child"

Before Klaus could list anything more, Diego reached for the beer and took a big gulp. "Okay, I'll go take care of said child now."

"Suit yourself." Klaus mocked, making shooing motions with his hands as Diego dragged Stanley upstairs.

"If I get so horribly drunk and accidentally wind up at the Sparrows and curse at Ben," Celeste addressed Klaus, chuckling. "Please kill me before he does."

Klaus returned the smile. "No promises. I might just wind up there myself and curse at him before you do."

Before Celeste could respond, she saw Luther, Viktor, and Sloane heading out. "Wait!" She called out, tripping a little on air. "I have no idea where you're going, but I'm coming."

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