Chapter 9

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What do you say Pheebs Aron wasn't the only one to give the rest of his power your  Elon did the same thing for you and...

Lexi  is the missing piece she is the key to defeating the darkness. Lexi who is...

Can I go now Vallia asked. Well, the Darkness is gone. It can't remain long in your world, so...Karsh said opening a door

Chiara and Vallia grabbed my arm  pulling me through the door as happy as she was she missed her uncle she missed the Ghostbusters and she knew she would need more help than just Chiara and Vallia

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Chiara and Vallia grabbed my arm  pulling me through the door as happy as she was she missed her uncle she missed the Ghostbusters and she knew she would need more help than just Chiara and Vallia.

Egon had told the sisters many stories about Coventry about Aron and how his brother the moment the darkness took him the title of the leader of the forces of light became his, his brother had given it to him just as Aron had given the title of the leader of the forces of light to Elon.

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