Chapter 21

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Just then the twin Spengler's heard a scream.

No! Leave me alone! l don't want my powers I don't want to be a Princess one of the daughters of Aron said trying to use her magic.

Vanilla Lexi screamed but before Lexi could move Phoebe was there in an instant Go! Hurry! You don't have much time! I've opened a portal in the bedroom door w. Go. l'll fend it off as long as l can.

No! Peter, don't come in here! Vallia shouted lt's too late... Peter said throwing open the door as the darkness took Phoebe. The Ghostbusters were now down to two making the calls so much harder than they had to be.

Vallia! Everything you've said is true! Everything Ray said is true! I wanted to believe him I should have believed him.

All Egon's stories were true! Please, someone tell me what's going on Winston Zeddemore said.

Later Winston Right now, there's something l have to do. Nobody messes with my family and friends and gets away with it. l'm going to Coventry.

Maybe it's the other one Vallia said before disappearing through the closet door.

Lexi following behind.

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