Prologue II

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Amongst the depths of the forests into the beautiful lands of Essex lie the village of Magnolia, where peace was brought and consumed, along love and kindness. On the 1st of February, the year 1769, the Styles welcomed their only omega son. Harry Edward Styles. From the moment their eyes landed on the pup, Damon knew that he had potential. He was a youthful beauty, a sight for sore eyes. He had pale skin that appeared to be delicate, just as soft. During their ceremony to welcome the pup, his eyes shone a bright gold, confirming that he was in fact, an omega. The young pup was showered with love and from that day forward it seemed that Magnolia couldn't get any better. 

Harry was the purest his mother, Anne had ever witnessed. As he progressed into age, he formed into a beautiful boy. With his bouncy curls that sometimes got in the way of his face, that Anne demanded he'd get a haircut sometime around. His full pink lips that almost always were in a pout whether he was concentrated or sad, or was just sitting around. His skin still remained pale, and smooth, it made anyone that came across him just want to run their hands along the skin. But they wouldn't dare -- Damon wouldn't allow it. The Alpha had been controlling over his family, but most of all, his sun. Ever since the Summer of 73, he never allowed them out the house unless someone was to be there watching over them. 

Vampires were the reasoning behind it. 

It seemed that the bloodsuckers had gone completely rouge, consuming nearly the entire population. Damon knew that his son had a lot of potential, and that any vampire that would lay eyes on him would want him, so he had to protect his son. Magnolia never inflected violence, and they'd stand by that. Therefore, no force of violence had been used against the vampires. All there was, was to keep your distance away from them and try to stay safe -- free from any unnecessary but sorrowful deaths. 

It seemed almost coincidental when on one Summer afternoon of 1779 while Harry was outside with what was meant to be his guardian, entertaining himself with the many flowers that grew outside their cottage home he saw something -- or someone -- lurking amongst the shadows. At first, Harry thought that it could be his mind playing tricks on him, but when he realized that it couldn't be, his curiosity got the best of him, and he slowly approached whatever shadow it was. He expected it to be gone by the time he got to it, but it only remained it's unmoving dominant posture. Harry only realized what it was when he felt that unsettling flutter in his stomach that made him anxious, but he couldn't help but be fascinated. "Hello?" The young omega called, tentative with each step. The leaves crunched, making him jump until there was a face in front of his, taking him aback. He gasped, falling backwards but an arm wrapped around the small of his back, pulling him close. The being observed his face, just as Harry did the same. 

Harry swallowed the lump in his throat, holding his small hand against the other boy's chest. "Hi." The boy didn't say anything, and it had Harry wonder if he could speak. Perhaps he was one of those alpha's that lost their ability to speak due to black magic? That couldn't be the case though, because Harry couldn't smell any pheromones upon this boy. He smelt completely different, not even a trace of werewolf. Harry was growing nervous, especially with the non verbal responses -- not even physical. "You are an omega." Is what the stranger said, his accent very strange and foreign to the little boy. Harry furrowed his eyebrows, nodding. "Yes, I am." He answered, bemused. 

"You smell pure." The boy spoke. Harry didn't know what this guy was talking about, so he only nodded his head again, finding this encounter rather strange. Definitely not what he put it out to be. "My name is Harry." He decided to say, smiling widely for good measure. The boy -- who Harry now noticed was dressed in black -- continued to examine him until he landed his eyes back on Harry's greenish irises. "You aren't going to tell me yours?" Harry asked in confusion. Anne always told him the proper way to greet someone was to say your name, and then the other would politely address theirs. This boy wasn't doing that. 

The brunette shook his head. "I don't give out my name." Harry frowned, an adorable pout upon his lips. "I would love to know your name." He tried. It seemed the stranger was stubborn, he only shook his head again, this time letting go of his hand around from Harry's waist. "I am surprised you aren't scared of me." 

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would I be scared?"

"I am a vampire." Harry's eyes widened in shock, not believing it. He was in front of a real life vampire, not the one's he read in his Father's books, or the one's he heard about from his Mother's friends. This was a living, walking, and breathing vampire. Right in front of Harry's face and having a conversation with him. "I take it that you're in shock." Harry nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "If you're a vampire, why aren't you sucking my blood?" He questioned out of curiosity. "You have far too of a pure soul." The vampire answered. 


"Really." The vampire confirmed. Harry went to say something else but he was interrupted by his older brother shouting for him. Harry looked back, past the trees, hearing his brother's voice now very clearly. The omega turned to say goodbye, but was met with disappointment when the vampire was gone. All night, Harry spent the rest of his time lying on his bed, wishing that he will see that handsome vampire again.

And that is the final prologue. What do we think?? My first supernatural Larry fic, I'm a little nervous. 

Please comment down your thoughts and vote :)) 

Feedback is always so important to me, so make sure you do that also!! 

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