I: The Blue Moon

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This fic is dedicated whoever commented on my board about wanting a supernatural larry fic... literally all the way back in June but whatever! x

Essex was divided into many different communities. You had the witches that lived upon hills, and all of them were never the same. Some witches were nice, they used naturalistic magic and then there were the kinds you see on modern television. Obviously, they didn't fly around on broomsticks all day, or had pointy noses filled with pimples. Witches were actually gorgeous, and all diverse. There were the witches that worked with dark magic, casted spells on people, caused deaths just for their enjoyment, and then there were the witches that helped others. The ones that worked with the nature and planet, that worked with spirituality. There were different kinds of naturalistic witches, there were luna ones that worked with the moon, there were astrological ones that worked with astrology and zodiac features, stellar that worked with the constellations and stars, and solar witches that worked with the sun. There were plenty more different naturalistic witches, but that was just the most common ones. 

The dark magic -- which most of the beings considered satanic -- didn't have different kinds of witches, they were all solitary, most of them worked alone. They lived deep within the hills and mountains, cursing the innocent lives of people for their joy. The appearance of witches were the same in a way, their hair were long and flowed in the wind, but their textures were different. They had smooth luscious skin, but their tones came in all different shades. It was easy to be tricked by a witch because of their beauty. Which is why most people distanced themselves from them. 

Sirens lived within the depths of the ocean. They were not ones to be around, with evil intentions they would sing for passers to hear, only to guide them to the underworld, tricking them into their own death. Their singing is what would attract others, for their voice was like the gates of heaven, it would hypnotize them, typically men, and lead them towards their voices. After that, the sirens were no longer the beauty they appeared, for they would change their appearance for an easier way to trick the passer. 

Mermaids lived in the middle of the ocean, they often rested above shore. These were exotic creatures, and just like witches, you had good ones and you had bad ones. It's likely for you to find a good one, for the mermaids killed off most of the evil ones to refrain them from turning into sirens. Mermaids were also beautiful -- as it seemed most of Essex's creatures were beautiful. 

Fairy's lived upon the trees inside their homes or lakes. Fairy's were to be protected, as they were one of the most desired creatures of Essex. Being their dainty appearance, it was easier for them to be killed off. Whether they were in their small form or regular, it was still easy to kill a fairy. Fairy's did work with magic, and almost as all the creatures, they had ones that were greedy for power. Some fairy's appeared in one's sleep, fooling them until they would eventually act as a poltergeist, kidnapping the one they fooled with. But good fairy's were overpowering the one's involved with dark magic, and soon off, they would be killed. 

Ghosts were actually one of the nicest creatures you could meet. They usually lived in cold climates inside caves, not really doing anything. Ghosts did work with magic, but it wasn't often you'd see that, for they lived far within their caves, not ever daring to go outside. 

Then there were the werewolves, the top of Essex. Werewolves weren't the uncontrollable impulsive creatures you'd see on TV. They were as if a normal human being, that could change whenever they wanted by the time they hit puberty. It seemed that most wolves were in tact due to the Omega figure they suppressed. There were Alpha's, Omega's, and Beta's. All wolves just different attributes. Alpha's generally were the most dominant, they were meant to protect. Of course, sometimes there was an incapability and they didn't have the same nature as most Alpha's, but that would be the one you'd see. Omega's were kind natured and peaceful, they were the opposite of Alpha's. But just like the Alpha's there can always be one that isn't the same as an Omega standard. Which was always okay. Beta's were mid-ranking, and usually the second command in a wolf pack. They were like both Alpha's and Omega's, but they didn't release pheromones'. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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