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"I hate myself." Yeosang mumbled, hitting his head on top of his crossed hands.

"You are being sad you got C, but Wooyoung who didn't even know we had to write it is happy because he got an F? What is wrong with you?" Hongjoong asked, making a disgusted face as he leaned on the window of Yeosang's apartment.

He came over since he was bored, and the other didn't have anything else to do so he let Hongjoong be there and just talk randomly.

Yeosang sighed and lifted his head up. "Man, i don't know! I gave all my nerves and patience into it and got only C!"

Hongjoong took a sip of his drink, looking unbothered as he listened to Yeosang whine.

"What did you expect when you wrote it literally a night before, plus you even wrote your name wrong."

"No i didn't?"

"Whatever you say, Kang Yeosnag."

The male closed his eyes and exhaled, hitting his head on the hands again.

A moment later, he heard Hongjoong cough like he was being choked. "Holy shit."

Yeosang got up in alarm, snapping his head to look at him in panic since he thought that something happened to him. He got up and walked towards the older who stared at something outside of the window. 


"Seonghwa!" Hongjoong smiled.

He had a long time crush on Seonghwa, everyone knew it. No matter how he thinks he isn't obvious, he always stares at the older and comments how pretty Seonghwa looks. And it wasn't too far from the truth.

Seonghwa really was attractive. He looked beautiful and he was also popular among people in their school. The older just sat there and talked with some of his friends while watching the other's skate.

Hongjoong leaned his head on his hand and watched as air ran through his beautiful black hair, letting out a sigh.

"Isn't he just so handsome and cute and hot-"

Yeosang rolled his eyes. "You should just confess to him. How long has it been anyway? three years?"

Hongjoong hummed. "Actually three and a half. I wanted to confess to him but I don't know how, so two years ago I started leaving notes in his locker-"

Yeosang's jaw fell to the floor. "You were the one doing that?!"

Hongjoong nodded. "Why? Is it weird that I did that?"

"No.. just.. unusual, you know?" Yeosang sighed as his mood was ruined because of a bad grade.

A hum left elder's mouth as he continued secretly watching his crush.

"Hey, I gotta go. I still have to go to the studio and see Yunho and Mingi later." Hongjoong explained while picking up his bag.

"Sure. See you then."

Yeosang continued staring out of the window and just watching as the leaves fell off the trees because of wind. It reminded him of his hometown a lot, specially the trees and the scenery. 

It suddenly fell pretty...nostalgic.

He remembers watching the same picture when he was younger. That was one of the
better things from his childhood, and the rest of it was...terrible.

Yeosang's parents got divorced when he was 8. His dad left with another woman and lived with his mom, but not too long after he came out as gay, he had to leave because she didn't want him to be there anymore. 

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