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It's been a couple of days since they came back in Seoul, and Jongho has been staying at Yeosang's place all day and night.

San didn't care now that he knows the truth, and just let them do whatever without care Yeosang groaned as he finally finished washing the dishes. He really hated doing that, specially now that Jongho almost lives with him.

"Babe! Can you come here? I need you for something." Jongho yelled from living room.

Yeosang placed the last glass down before wiping his hands and walking to him.

"What is it? Do you need help with something or?" He asked.

Jongho smiled before getting up a bit and wrapping an arm around his waist. He pulled Yeosang closer to him, placing a quick kiss on his stomach and placing his head against it.

Yeosang chuckled, placing his hands in younger's hair. "You called me just to kiss me?"

"Not fully, I actually wanted to talk to you about something." Jongho said as he lifted his head up.

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked and took a seat next to him.

The male opened his mouth, but closed it afterwards. Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at him, titling his head in confusion.

"You okay?"

He exhaled. "Yeah.. just.."

Jongho turned to look at him. "You know how everyone knows about us dating? Well, Wooyoung was staying over the first day we came back from Busan and we were just talking with mom since they got back from a trip and..."

Yeosang was confused even more. He doesn't know if he should be worried or not now that he heard him say that.

"Okay, and?"

"Well...Wooyoung accidently mentioned you and said how we weren't separating while we were in Busan, and my mom asked who you were."

Yeosang's breath hitched as he said that. Jongho paused as he looked down, taking a breath and then up.

"I-I tried lying to her, but she read me and said 'you're my son, I know you.' So I had no choice but to say the truth."

Yeosang let out a shaky breath. "So you told her.. and then?"

Jongho let out an awkward smile, making him furrow his eyebrows.

"She started questioning me about you, and I told her everything. She didn't mind us being together at all, she was even happy." He paused.

"But now she wants you to come over tomorrow for dinner."

Yeosang widened his eyes as he said that. He doesn't know if it's bad or good that she wants to meet him. Miss Choi, aka the wife of Korea's most famous businessman wants to meet him?! Yeosang? A broke university student?

"Are you serious? Oh my god! I don't have a suit or anything formal except hoodies and jeans, what am I supposed to wear?!-"

"Calm down! It's just a dinner, you can wear anything you want. They doesn't care about the way you dress. Are you crazy?"

Yeosang got up and started walking in shock.

"They? So your dad is also going to be there! Oh, great-"

Yeosang was cut off by Jongho wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him down. He was sat in younger's lap with him looking a bit annoyed.

"Why the hell are you so worked up? I told you, they are chill. They just want to get to know you and see how their son's boyfriend looks like."

Yeosang sighed. "I know, but again. One of the most famous men in Korea wants to meet me? A literally another broke student who doesn't know what to do with his life."

Jongho rolled his eyes. "Come on. They won't do anything to you, and if you go there and get to know them I'll buy you chicken."

"Hey, that's blackmailing!" Yeosang replied as he turned and hit his shoulder.

"Well you have those pics of me for blackmail and it's only fair if I do it too!"

He sulked and crossed his arms, turning to look in the front while sitting in Jongho's lap.
The younger pressed a kiss on his cheek and notched his chin over his shoulder.

"Do it for me?" Jongho asked with a small pout.

Yeosang rolled his eyes, ruffling his hair before humming.

"Just for you."

Jongho smiled at him, giving him a kiss on the corner of the mouth. Yeosang whined at that, trying to push him away but ended up being pressed on the couch with him on top.

"No- Hey, get off me! Jongho!" He whined as the younger started placing small kisses on his face and neck.

Yeosang felt the male smile as he tickled him with the kisses, but ignored his whines.

 ► ► ► ► ►

Hongjoong fixed his suit once again.

His nerves were killing him because the job interview was only hour away, and it was the worst nervousness he got in a while. God, he didn't feel like this even when Seonghwa confessed to him. Then was even worse.

"Come on, you have been looking into that mirror for almost an hour. You look amazing either way!"

He was nervous to the point where he forgot Seonghwa stayed over at his place. Hongjoong turned to look at him, giving him a small pout. Seonghwa chuckled as he walked to him and opened his arms, inviting the male in. Hongjoong accepted it and it did calm his nerves down a bit.

"Shh.. it's going to be okay. You're going to do amazing."

Hongjoong smiled. "Thank you for believing in me, I really can't thank you enough."

Seonghwa ran his fingers through the blue hair. He placed a quick kiss on Hongjoong's head before smiling.

"You're my boyfriend, it's my job to hype you up and stay by your side no matter what."

The younger nuzzled his face in Seonghwa's shoulder, breathing in his scent. He really can't be more thankful for him actually deciding to give them a chance.

"I really love you.." Hongjoong mumbled.

Seonghwa laughed. "I love you too."

They pulled away not too long after, and he already cupped Hongjoong's cheeks and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"It will be okay, trust me. Even if you don't get the job, you will find something better."

Hongjoong smiled, placing his hands on top of elder's and giving them a small rubs. He stood on his fingertips, connecting their lips in a kiss. Seonghwa smiled and kissed back.

They moved away not too long after, but kept their foreheads connected. Hongjoong really didn't want for this to end, but he wants the job.

"I need to go, or else I'll be late." He chuckled nervously.

Seonghwa nodded. "Of course. Go for it babe, you deserve it. I'll make Naengmyeon for dinner to make you relax a bit."

"Oh my god, you're so sweet! Even making me my favorite food! You know me." Hongjoong said with a smile.

His boyfriend gave him a smile in return, placing a kiss on his forehead. He rubbed their noses together before looking into Hongjoong's eyes.

"Of course. You should get going now, or else you'll be late."

The younger nodded. "Sure.. really, thanks."

"No problem." Seonghwa smiled as he let go and started walking towards the front door.

"Good luck, I love you!" He yelled before Hongjoong closed the door.

"Thanks! I love you too!"

Seonghwa just shook his head, not believing how much he loved Hongjoong before he got to making food.

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