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TW: cussing, mention of death and murder, mention of being tied up, mention of drowning, fire

Tommy's POV

"So...Tommy." Wilbur said. "Hm?" I replied. "Earlier Ranboo said that he had to save you from the water because you were unable to swim...due to...you being tied up...why were you tied up?" He softly asked. I froze instantly. "I was wondering that too. I just never asked." Ranboo said.

"I-I..." I choked back my tears. "Tommy..." Wilbur put his hand on my shoulder. "Th...They took me and killed mama..." I cried. "Oh my...well what about your father?" Wilbur asked. "He died a few years ago..." "Oh..."

"How did you escape?" Phil asked.

"A nice man helped me! There were lots of men in weird uniforms, but this one was nice! He untied my feet so I could run!" I said. "I ran into the woods and then came across that river Ranboo found me at. Ran ran around 100-200 miles." I added. "That's a long way to run!" Quackity pipped in.

"Yeah...my dad was a fire dragon and mama was a healing plant dragon. I can heal and make plants, but my color comes from my dad. And my fire breathing...and my more dangerous powers" I said. "Sick." Quackity said.

Time skip

Techno had called his friend Dream and asked him to come over. I had agreed to letting Dream see me before Techno called.

"Hey, Dreams coming with George and Sap if that's ok. I can call back and tell them not to come if you'd like!" Techno said. "No, it's ok. I can't stay hid up here forever." Techno nodded and sat down.

Another juicy time skip

I could hear three men approaching the house, my ears twitched as I listened to their conversation.

"Techno said he had something to show us, that why were here for the fiftieth time, Sapnap!" The said annoyingly. "I know that but I wanna go to sleep! Why do I have to be here! He probably just wants to show us that he's finished his book 'The Art Of War' by Sun-fucking-Tzu again!" The 'Sapnap' guy said.

I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Techno asked. "How many times have you read The Art Of War?" I laughed. "Uhhh, how do you know this?" He asked. "Sapnaps talking about it. He's complaining and saying that you just wanna show them that you've finished the book again." "Oh that little asshole! I'm assuming they're close?" I nodded. "How close?"

"Three...two...one..." There was a knock on the door when I got to one. Techno got up and opened the door. "Really, Sapnap? This isn't about my damn book." Techno smirked. "Wha- how do you know I was talking about that?!" Sapnap screeched. "Now that's what I wanna show you." He said.

"Now don't...freak out or anything." Techno led the, into the family room. "This is Tommy!" Tehcno pointed at me.

The man with a greed hood started laughing.

"Oh- my god! Are you trying- to make me believe- you have a fucking dragon kid in your house? That's hilarious!" He said between laughs. "C'mon, where's this kids parents? Take off the cosplay." He added.

Now I'm pissed.

I'm a swift motion I waved my hand towards him, making vines grow on his arms and I put a yellow flower in his mouth to shut him up.

"You're lucky I didn't set you on fire. Don't underestimate me, prick." I growled. He looked shocked to say the least. "You look so dumb with that flower in your mouth." I added. He spat it out. "What the hell?" He nervously laughed. I broke the vines from his arms.

"That...thing is dangerous." He pointed to me. I could see Wilbur growing angrier by the second.

I held up the palm of my hand and let a flame come out of it only about 7 inches high. "I'm only dangerous if I want to be." I got rid of the flame. "Anyways, I'm Tommy, lovely to meet you three!"

"Sup, little man! Loving your wings!" Sapnap said. "Thank you!" I smiled. I liked this Sapnap dude.

Phil walked back into the room from his phone call.

"Oh! You're here! Welcome...what up with you Dream?" He asked. "O-Oh, uh, nothing!" He shook his head. "This is quite a bit to take in, huh?" Phil elbowed Dreams shoulder. "Hm? Oh, yeah!" "Well why don't you sit down? Make yourselves at home, boys!"

Sapnap came and sat next to me. He kept asking questions but it didn't really bother me.

"By the way, your uncle's coming over later, boys. That's what the call was." Phil said. "Yay! It's been so long since we've seen him! He lives so far away!" Tubbo said. "Un..cle?" I questioned. "My brother." Phil said. I nodded.

I noticed Dream and the other boy were cuddled up together giggling over their conversation.

I looked over at Tubbo and Ranboo. 'Is that gay?' I mouthed. "Pfffttt- bahahah! Tommy!" Ranboo scream-laughed. "What?" Sapnap asked. "Yes, Tommy. They're gay!" Ranboo laughed. Dream and the other boy looked embarrassed.

I held a thumbs up saying; "Ally!" causing the whole room to burst into laughter.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"That must be your uncle! This is gonna be difficult to explain." Phil said.

Words: 903

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