Chapter Fifteen - Grey's POV: Thoughts On Astrix

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I'm Grey Ollivander, I'm 5'8, optimistic, and I wear whatever my heart desires. Like many of the families here at Blue Skies Academy mine is wealthy, that's how I got in. Thankfully they're incredibly acceptable and have no problem with style.

Here at B.S.A. we have a dormitory system, and my roommates are Knox Boycott and Astrix October. Knox is tall, big-chested, care-free, popular, and charming. Astrix is even taller, mysterious, quiet, very smart, and I've noticed; almost emotionless. They can't stand each other, or maybe it's just that Astrix can't stand Knox. They did even last day one together. Despite being apathetic I think Astrix has some hidden anger issues.

Knox will simply say good morning, Astrix ignores him. Knox offers breakfast, Astrix takes a banana and leaves. Knox tells a joke, Astrix death stares him. It doesn't help that I think Knox enjoys aggravating him. I'll catch one of his slick smiles after turning away every once in a while. Sometimes I think they even fight over me-

I've also noticed something about Astrix as I've began paying more attention to him. He acts differently around everyone. Around girls he's your perfect ladies man, around guys he's completely ignorant, around Domino he's dismissive yet extremely persuadable, around Knox he's... aggravated, and me? I think he's a bit more open with me, he talks more and is calmer. The thing I find interesting though is that he can change personalities  just like that. I'm happy to be his friend.

Speaking of friends, he doesn't like that word. I think it's like a top 10 people I talk to list of his. Domino put the "besties" label on them almost immediately and I think it's messing up with system.

There's something else that Astrix does around me. I think when he thinks I'm not paying attention he just stares. I can't completely tell if it's at me or not though because of his hair. Sometimes I can just feel eyes trailing up and down my body. I know his not creepy like that but I haven't asked about it yet. I think he's just been trying to build up to say something, like today...he complimented me. It was sort of awkward considering besides his acting I don't think he has much social skills. Or maybe he just doesn't like talking unless he doesn't need to...who knows.

Today me, Astrix, and Domino are going to the cafeteria to sign up for some clubs. I'm looking forward to see if Astrix joins any, according to when he first met he has a bunch of hobbies. It's weird to think I actually know more about him than Domino. Well I know she's not allowed to cook any more, and has done archery for a long time.  I had even less of an idea of what I wanted to join.

We're currently running through the hallways because Domino flew out of her room, grabbed Astrix and started speed running. Onto the cafeteria!


We had been walking around for about 10 minutes: Domino had signed up for archery and dance, she had departed us and was making conversation with everyone; I found a roller skating club that met once a week and was still looking; Astrix on the other hand hadn't signed up
for anything yet but did have at least 13 papers from people you kept advertising to him. I told him he could go walk around on his own and didn't have to keep following me, but he repeatedly insisted it was fine. Everytime I'd look over at his eyes were on something different. Well I assumed they were, I couldn't actually tell but his body motions seemed like enough.

"Astrix?" I asked, I said his name so he knew I was talking to him, he didn't seemed too focused. "Find anything you like?"

"I don't know," He held his papers tight and looked from stand to stand.

"Well you told me you like a bunch of stuff. What about art club? You like to paint right?"

"I guess," I noticed he gripped the papers tighter, beginning to crumble them.

"If you're unsure I could join one with you, could I see your flyers?" Astrix set the papers in my hand, finally acknowledging me. He didn't reply though.

Just as I was about to look through them a hand clasped my shoulder, scaring the living shit out of me. I jumped and froze, only to hear Knox's voice follow.

"Heyy, I found you two. Find anything? I signed up for like seven clubs, at least I'll look good."

"Seven?" Good thing I took Astrix's papers cause if he still had them they'd be crushed in his clenched fists.

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