7. Mornings

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everyone woke up around the same time, sana and dahyun woke up first they just chatted in the kitchen until momo woke up and began talking with them. 'oh wow she's really pretty up close' mina thought to herself as she laid next to sleeping chaeyoung. 'ah why am i thinking like that? she doesn't even like me like that" mina slowly got up and went to the kitchen to talk. everybody else woke up and they all just chilled in the kitchen until finally chaeyoung woke up at 10:24am. she walked out of her bedroom and heard the other girls so she walked to them.

"ahh sorry i didn't realise everybody already woke up" chaeyoung said as she entered the kitchen. "no its okay, here take some water" nayeon says handing her the cup. chaeyoung thanked her and sat down at the chair next to mina. they began talking. "so are you single?" chaeyoung randomly asks. mina was a little surprised but answered, " yes i am". chaeyoung felt excited from hearing that she might have a chance. "oh thats cool" chaeyoung said trying to not act excited. "my last relationship wasn't great though, my ex girlfriend cheated on me with this man." mina mentions. "oh no i'm so sorry that happened, you didn't deserve that" chaeyoung says very sincere. mina smiled at her. chaeyoung felt bad for mina but she said 'ex girlfriend' so that means she is into girls. chaeyoung was relieved after knowing that.

"we should all be getting home" nayeon and jeongyeon say. they all agreed and say there goodbyes. mina was the last out. but before she left, she kissed chaeyoung on the cheek and thanked her for letting her stay the night in her bed. chaeyoung so shocked but said goodbye. mina giggled at chaeyoung being flustered. chaeyoung shut the door behind her and ran around her house. she was so happy about that little kiss. 'does she like me!? wait no i can't think to fast.. but she kissed me on the cheek!' chaeyoung had so many thoughts in her mind.

(shorter chapter but i hope you enjoy!)

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