8. Confession!

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over several weeks mina and chaeyoung become inseparable. they would hangout all the time. there was always a bit of tension between the two though, but they never spoke about it.

"should i tell her how i feel?" chaeyoung asks nayeon. "yes, it's obvious that she likes you back" nayeon says. "wait what? does she like me?" chaeyoung questions. nayeon shrugged her shoulders and pointed to mina who was approaching them. chaeyoung smiled and blushed slightly. she was so pretty. mina sat down with them. "oh hey sorry guys, jeongyeon wanted to eat lunch with me outside so i'm just gonna go cya!" nayeon lies. chaeyoung glares at her but focused on mina. "how was ballet class?" chaeyoung asks. "hm it was pretty fun but my teacher is quite strict" mina replies. they just talk and laugh until lunch was done. they waved goodbye and went to their last class for the day.

'i really want to tell her how i feel, but what if she rejects me?' chaeyoung thought to herself all through her art class. 'no i am going to ask her out this afternoon.' she said. chaeyoung felt nervous when her class ended. she headed to the dance room because mina had another ballet lesson. she waited until mina came out. "hey mina wanna go to that new café that opened down the street?" chaeyoung asks. "yes of course chae" she says. chaeyoung blushed at the nickname that mina had given her. they walked down the street to the café. the walk was mostly silent, but it was a very comfortable silence. they finally made it. they sat down and chatted for a bit until the waiter came up to them. the ordered some food. "this place seems to be pretty nice" chaeyoung says looking around. mina agreed. chaeyoung really wanted to tell mina how she felt. their food arrived and they enjoyed it. "come on mina lets go, i want to go somewhere" chaeyoung says smiling. mina follows. chaeyoung was taking mina to a really pretty bridge that had an amazing view.

"alright open your eyes mina!" chaeyoung says. mina opens them and looks around. "this is so beautiful!" mina says, her soft black hair moving in the nighttime breeze. "can i tell you something mina?" chaeyoung asks nervously. "sure!" mina listened. "okay so, i have a crush on you.." chaeyoung says and puts her head down. mina was shocked. "really..?" mina says quietly. "yes i'm sorry, its fine if you don't like me back" chaeyoung blurts out. mina lifted chaeyoung's head up with her hand, "chae, i like you too" she said. chaeyoung was so surprised. they both smiled widely and hugged each other. "can i?" chaeyoung asks while looking at mina's lips. mina nodded. chaeyoung then kissed mina. "will you be my girlfriend?" chaeyoung asks. mina agrees and hugs chaeyoung again. they were both so happy. they stayed the night at chaeyoung's apartment.

(i hope this was cute :> )

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