•part one•

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tw: mentions of eating disorder
Chrissy Cunningham sat in the cafeteria beside the basketball team, Jason's arm hanging on her shoulder. They laughed together as Chance cracked a joke to the group. "Chrissy you want some of my sandwich?" Jason offered her, nodding to half of his food on a paper bag.

"No thank you, I'm not hungry." Chrissy replied to him, smiling afterwards.

"I've never seen you eat anything, are you sure you aren't like ano or something?" Andy asked and Chrissy's eyes widened in surprise.

"Dude?" Jason asked him angrily, pointing to Chrissy with his eyes. "Ignore him he's being a dick." he whispered to his girlfriend, pulling her closer.

"But as long as you're into bands, or science...Or parties." Eddie yelled from behind them, sneeringly giving a speech. "Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" he yelled at the table of basketball players.

"You wanna start something freak?" Jason stood up and yelled back at him.

"Jason sit down." Chrissy told him, trying to pull him back down to his chair. "Jason!"

Eddie made a face at Jason, hissing at him like a monster. Chrissy held her smile back and noticed Eddie giving her a smile back.

"The hell are you smiling at prick? Sit down!" Jason yelled at him again as Chrissy made a face.

"He's looking at your girl Jason." Chance tried to rile him up as Chrissy made a 'shut up' face at him.

"Jason, stop it!" Chrissy told him as Jason couldn't look away from Eddie. She sat down herself, putting her hands on her head out of stress.

After school Chrissy avoided Jason, walking out to the forest behind her school. She found the clearing with a bench where she was supposed to meet him.
Her body was shaking as she looked around waiting anxiously, she wanted to eat so bad but knew she couldn't.

Eddie put a hand on her shoulder when he came up behind her, making Chrissy jump. "Whoa, hey hey hey hey! Sorry!" he apologized, looking at the pure look of worry on her face. "Didn't mean to scare you, you okay?"

"Mm hmm." Chrissy nodded, hiding her shaking hands as she sat down at the picnic table. Eddie put down a metal box in front of her, proceeding to sit down across from her.

"There's uh, nothing to worry about, okay? No one ever comes out here." Eddie told her, seeing Chrissy's knee bouncing and her looking around.

Eddie opened the box to reveal weed in a few separate plastic bags. "So how does this work?" Chrissy asked him, she'd never bought drugs before.

"Oh, just like any old sale." Eddie leaned his chin on his hand. "Except uh cash only, and for obvious reasons no receipts."

"Okay." Chrissy nodded, her lip was trembling as she looked down at the table.

"I'll do you a half ounce for 20?" Eddie offered, showing her a bag. "Plenty of bang for your buck, it will last you a while."

"God." Chrissy gasped when a tree broke in the woods, seeing a squirrel rush away from them.

"Hey you don't need to do this, okay?" Eddie told her, she seemed too nervous. "Look if Jason put you up to this, tell him I wouldn't sell to you if you don't want this."

"No it's, it's not that." Chrissy told him, tapping the table with her knuckles. "You ever feel like you just can't keep doing what you're expected to?"

"Pretty much every day." Eddie told her, putting the metal box away. "If I'm being honest I'm losing my mind right now doing a drug deal with Chrissy Cunningham, the queen of Hawkins High."

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