•part two•

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Eddie woke up first and saw sunlight through his windows, then feeling somebody shaking him and calling his name. "Eddie?" Wayne called out clearly, seeing his eyes open.

"Morning Wayne, thanks lots." Eddie replied with sarcasm not being hidden, sitting up when he looked down and saw Chrissy. "Oh shit."

"Oh shit is right Eddie, who is this girl?" Wayne asked him as Chrissy still lay on Eddie's shoulder.

"Remember Chrissy Cunningham?" Eddie asked him innocently and Wayne groaned in annoyance.

"Get her home, I'm getting to bed." Wayne told him, leaving the room to go into his own.

"Chrissy, Chrissy." Eddie called out, moving her gently so that she might wake up. "Chrissy it's morning time."

"What?" Chrissy asked, sitting up off of Eddie who looked at her beauty in awe. "What time is it?"

"About 8 in the morning, those candies hit pretty damn hard." Eddie chuckled as Chrissy stood up, smoothing down her skirt.

"My parents are going to kill me." Chrissy whimpered in fear, pulling her ponytail tighter. "Can you drive me home? Or close to home."

"Uh yeah sure." Eddie replied, finally getting off of the couch as he took his keys from the counter. "You don't want breakfast or anything?"

"Eddie!" Chrissy whisper yelled at him, indicating that it was not the time. "Shit shit shit."

"It's okay Chrissy, I'll get you home safe." Eddie promised as they got into his van, driving off as Chrissy put her head on her knees. "You know that is like, the least safe way to drive right?"

"You don't think Jason would have noticed do you? He would kill me, god." Chrissy told him and now Eddie knew he could hate Jason.

"Why are you with him?" Eddie asked, stopping the car on the side of the road suddenly.

"Eddie why did you stop? Keep driving!" Chrissy told him, pointing to the road ahead.

"Answer the question first, then I will." Eddie told her, with no intention of breaking his promise. "Why do you go out with that douchebag?"

"You want the truth?" Chrissy asked him, her voice sounding like it was about to break. "He knows so much shit about me, if I break up with him I don't know what he'll do."

"What kind of shit Chrissy?" Eddie asked, seeing her look out the window out to the forest.

"It doesn't matter Eddie, just know I have a reason for dating that douchebag." Chrissy told him, not making eye contact again afterwards.

"Alright then." Eddie replied, hitting the gas again and driving off. "That's that."

"I'm sorry Eddie." Chrissy apologized, she didn't understand why he cared so much. "I'm just doing it for my own safety, trust me."

"That's what makes me mad Chrissy, that you have to date him for your own safety." Eddie replied, not saying another word until he arrived a block away from her house. "Be safe Chris."

"You too." Chrissy replied, opening the car door and getting out of the van. "See you around."

"See you." Eddie mumbled in reply as she walked away from the car, turning back once as he waited for her to walk away safely. "You really messed stuff up back there, huh Munson?"

"Hey Eddie, you're up early." Robin looked to the clock when he came into the store.

"Decided I wanted to see a movie at 9 in the morning so." Eddie replied, leaning on the counter that Robin sat at. "Morning Harrington."

"Sup Eddie." Steve replied as he stacked movies in the back, he liked how Steve was now thanks to Robin. "Henderson told me who you were with yesterday."

"What?" Eddie looked surprised, scared for what Jason might do if it got around to him. "Who was I with then, Harrington?" Eddie became confident as a way to cover his fear.

"Chrissy Cunningham, that had Dustin and me pretty shocked." Steve admitted, even laughing a bit at the thought of it.

"Chrissy?" Robin asked, completely surprised, but happy for Eddie. She used to be best friends with Chrissy, she was one of the first people Robin had come out to.

"It was nothing, just a conversation." Eddie told them, shrugging innocently. "You thought me and Chrissy-"

"No I didn't!" Steve defended, though he fully still believed it and thought the idea was adorable. "And she's with Jason anyways."

"And she's her and you're you." Robin said after thinking about it for a moment. The boys both turned to look at her, she often had no filter around people. "Look I'm just saying Eddie."

"No I know what you mean." Eddie replied, nodding and pacing for a minute. "How's Vickie then?"

"Robin doesn't even talk to her." Steve told him from the back of the store, putting tapes back.

"Oh shut up Steve!" Robin snapped lovingly. "I just spoke to her yesterday, actually."

"What did you say?" Steve asked her, leaning his elbow on the table with his chin on his hand.

"I asked her to borrow a pencil." Robin mumbled, embarrassed that Steve was right. The boys began to laugh, stopping when Robin hit their shoulders.

"Vickie is definitely for that team, you need to make a move Robin." Eddie told her, he wasn't really the romantic type but it physically hurt him to not see them together.

"See if you asked out Chrissy and she rejected you, sure it would be totally embarrassing." Robin explained to him. "But if I asked out Chrissy and she rejected me, I would become a town pariah."

"All we're saying is that you have to take the risk someday." Steve told her, patting Robin's back.

"God we have school tomorrow." Robin remembered as she fell to the ground dramatically.

"Means you get to see Vickie though." Eddie reminded her, chewing on a random pen he found.

"Now I'm less not excited." Robin admitted, getting off the floor as a customer came in.

"Hey Jamie, what are you looking for?" Steve asked when a boy came in, he was around 8 or 9.

"Have you got any of the Star Wars movies?" Jamie asked him, being called over to a section by Steve.

"Chrissy's little brother, in case you wanted to get close to the family." Robin nudged him and Eddie rolled his eyes at her.

"Doesn't Chrissy usually bring you over here?" Steve asked him, noticing he was on his own today.

"Yeah, but she told me I'm old enough to go on my own now. Chrissy's with Jason right now, they kiss too much." Jamie overshared and Steve laughed, helping him pick out a movie.

"Good choice my dude." Steve told him, standing up from where he kneeled on the floor. They walked over to the counter, Robin rung up the movie for him.

"That's 2$ Jamie." Robin told him, taking the pile of change from the boy. "See you have a good day!"

"Bye Miss Robin!" Jamie waved, unzipping his bag and putting the movie inside. "I like your shirt!"

"Thanks." Eddie chuckled as the kid skipped out, turning the corner back to his house. "What?"

"Nothing." Robin shrugged, going back to counting out Jamie's change.

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