•part four•

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Chrissy sat on her bed, kicking her feet back and forth as she wrote in her diary. It had been the only other thing besides cheer that she'd kept up her whole life, everything else seemed to come and go.

"Chrissy! Somebody's here for you!" Jamie yelled and Chrissy groaned, assuming it was Jason.

"Coming!" Chrissy called as she saw her brother laughing at smiling at whoever was at the door. She stepped down the final stair and walked towards the door, standing in the opening. "Eddie, hey!"

Eddie's face nearly lit up, as hers did too. "Hey Chris, you left this in my van yesterday. At least I assumed it was yours." Eddie told her, handing Chrissy a ring as their hands brushed up against the others.

"My ring! Thank you, I was looking for this all of last night!" Chrissy sighed in relief, placing the ring back on her finger.

"She was crying and threw a book!" Jamie called from the couch and Chrissy glared at him, making Eddie laugh.

"Yeah I was going to ask Robin, but it didn't seem her style. My next guess was Steve, let's not allow him to know that alright?" Eddie told her and Chrissy giggled, looking down at her ring again.

"Didn't think to ask Max?" Chrissy asked him, she knew Eddie must have brought it to her first.

"She's more into the necklaces and such." Eddie told her and Chrissy made an ahh noise. "So any plans for this weekend?"

"Jason and my dad are going fishing, so at least I'm free from both of them." Chrissy told him, sighing again. "We should do something, hang out again that is." Chrissy stumbled over her words, watching Eddie wait patiently as she figured it out.

"Sure, we could go see a movie." Eddie suggested, thinking of what was out at the moment. "Do you like horror movies?"

"Not particularly, but I would see one if it so pleased you Eddie." Chrissy told him and Eddie couldn't help but smile.

"No she won't! Chrissy cried when we watched nightmare on elm street!" Jamie announced from the couch, making Eddie snicker as Chrissy glared at her brother.

"How about we just rent a movie and watch it at my trailer, no horror involved." Eddie compromised and Chrissy nodded in agreement, still annoyed that her brother ratted her out.

"Is that Eddie Munson?" Mrs Cunningham called as she came in through the garage. "I saw your van outside, was wondering who's it was."

"How's it going Mrs Cunningham?" Eddie asked as Chrissy made wide eyes at him, he couldn't resist being moms favourite.

"It's going alright." Mrs Cunningham replied. "How is your Uncle doing?" she asked, washing her hands in the sink before cutting up carrots.

"He's good, works getting better for him." Eddie told her and Chrissy desperately wanted this interaction to end.

"Good for him." Mrs Cunningham answered, Chrissy was amazed how she always found a way to seem nice. "Are you staying for dinner? Your Uncle works nights, can't have you alone to eat."

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude." Eddie told her as Chrissy groaned, why did he have to be so god damn friendly.

"No, it's no worry!" Mrs Cunningham said, Eddie looked to Chrissy who nodded in approval. "You two go hang out upstairs while I cook, Jamie set the table."

"What?" Jamie yelled in disappointment, groaning as he walked over to the kitchen.

"Keep the door open!" Mrs Cunningham yelled up after them, making Chrissy flinch at the noise. They walked into her room and Chrissy spun around, showing Eddie the bedroom.

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