•part three•

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Chrissy held her hands against the sink, breathing heavily as she looked up to the mirror. "Chris? Come on out!" Jason called, knocking on the door loudly as she shook her head.

"Yeah, just a second." Chrissy replied, wiping a stray tear and flushing the toilet.

"Come here." Jason told her, pulling Chrissy into him the second she opened the door. He began to kiss her passionately, not allowing her to get a single word out.

"Jason I have to go home-" Chrissy tried to tell him as he lifted her up, laying her down on the bed. "I really have to go home now."

"Just relax." Jason told her, rubbing his thumb along her waist as Chrissy looked around uncomfortably. He pulled down her skirt and Chrissy looked away when he undid his jeans.

"Please not right now." Chrissy almost begged him, pushing his hand off of her. All of a sudden he slammed into her and Chrissy yelped. She looked to the side and let a tear roll down her cheek.

"Be quiet Chris." Jason told her, placing his hand down on her throat when he heard her crying. She tried hitting his hand off of her, but it was no use.

"Jason, I can't breathe." Chrissy managed to say, but he ignored her, finishing himself off.

As Chrissy sat there afterwards, hearing Jason in the shower she held her neck in pain. More tears rolled down her cheek as she felt utterly disgusted with herself. "Jesus, you're fucking crying now?" Jason asked when he opened his bathroom door.

"Jason I couldn't breathe." Chrissy told him and Jason rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I thought you liked that, my bad." Jason told her, tying a towel around him better.

"Why the fuck would I like that?" Chrissy yelled at him, loud and Jason looked at her angry.

"You're fucking serious Chrissy?" Jason lunged and took her chin with force. "That's the type of shit you are going to have to put up with, little whore."

"My throat really hurts Jason." Chrissy told him and Jason stopped what he was doing. "I told you to stop like nine times!"

"Just get out then if you aren't happy!" Jason yelled at her, shoving Chrissy's face. "Lord knows you can find somebody else to fuck."

Chrissy couldn't even find the words to explain how hurt she was, walking out of his house without saying goodbye to his little sister. She began to walk to her house when a car horn beeped behind her, making Chrissy stop. "Hey Chris, you want a ride? Everything okay?" Steve asked her, seeing the tears streaming down her face.

"Thank you." Chrissy mumbled, getting into the car as Steve looked at her.

"What happened, why are you upset?" Steve asked, she still had tears in her eyes. He drove through Hawkins, taking a longer way to Chrissy's house.

"Just an argument with Jason." Chrissy told him simply, her knees bouncing anxiously. Steve looked at her again and saw the marks on her neck.

"He do that to you?" Steve asked, stopping the car on a empty street and examining the injury. "Chris let me see it, I took first aid training."

"It's nothing Steve, I- I promise." Chrissy told him, smiling unconvincingly as she cleared her throat.

"Did you dump his ass?" Steve asked her, continuing to drive. "You should dump his ass after that."

"I don't know if I dumped him." Chrissy admitted and Steve sighed. "I just yelled at him, really loud."

"Well somebody needed to humble him." Steve sighs before stopping outside Chrissy's house. "He ever hurts you again, call me."

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