IX. The Third and Final Task

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You walk down to the Quidditch pitch, climbing the Ravenclaw tower that overlooks the pitch. You reach the top and look over the pitch - the maze growing in size from what it looks on the ground. Hearing the faint sounds of voices, you focus your attention on it - seeing blond, black and brown hair being guided by the drab voice of Barty Crouch Sr.

"...and if you need to withdraw from the task, shoot flares out of your wands, and Grindelwald up there," he said - pointing at the tower you were in," and he will contact one of the teachers stationed around the maze that will bring you out of the maze."

You wave down at the group, and the blonde-haired person waves back at you. You smile, knowing that Fleur has just about recovered from the Davies incident. Making your way down the tower, you're greeted by Fleur, who wraps you in a hug.

"You alright, mon amour?"

"I am. Zank you so much for what you did for me. J'aimerais encore une chose de votre part."

"Qu'est-ce que c'est?" You ask, and Fleur presses her lips against yours, her tongue slithering around your lips - tasting around your mouth.

"You taste so good, Rhae."

"I do my best for you, Fleur." Your mate flicks her hand against your chest and laughing.

"I have a present for you, Fleur. Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at dawn tomorrow, and you'll get it."


You wait at the top of the Astronomy Tower, watching the sun creep up behind the surrounding mountains like a nuclear explosion light years away.

"You wanted to zee me, mon amour?" You hear the French accent that you love so much, as a pair of arms snake around your chest.

"If you wanted to scare me, Fleur, you wouldn't have announced yourself in the manner that you did." 

"Vous vous faites vraiment passer pour un harceleur, n'est-ce pas ?"

"Si nous suivons cette voie, alors vous êtes le harceleur. Gabrielle m'espionnait, et tu ne peux pas le nier."

"How on Earth did you find out about that?"

"Your sister can't keep her mouth shut. I'm surprised you trusted her with spying on me. Spys have to be able to hide information, and seeing as your sister can' t keep her mouth shut, I found out pretty easily. Speaking of trusting, close your eyes, Fleur." Fleur closes her eyes, and once you are satisfied that Fleur cannot see what you are doing, you take a necklace out of your pocket and chain it around her neck.

" Fleur closes her eyes, and once you are satisfied that Fleur cannot see what you are doing, you take a necklace out of your pocket and chain it around her neck

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"Okay, ma cherie. You can open your eyes."

"Oh!" Fleur gasps in surprise. "This is so beautiful. Zank you zo much for this."

"There's a reason I'm giving you this now, Fleur. I've predicted my death - and it's during the final task." Fleur looks at you, tears forming in her eyes.

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