Night time after t or d

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"Hey Angelica u can stay and sleep over in my dorm" "bet bestie I was going to anyways " I laugh at what she said. We start to drift to "sleep" but u couldn't sleep so while I was in bed I was just staring out the window until Angelica got up. Wtf is she doing she gets up and walks but steps on a squeaky part of the floor "shut the fuck upppppp" she said whispering and looking over at me to see i woke up. I quickly shut my eyes and she he stays there looking for a few seconds and Procides to leave my room. U follow her without her knowing I see something from the corner of my eye but I ignore it she starts to talk up to Draco's dorm (Draco doesn't have to share a room daddy's money)  she knocks and he opens the door and smirks and she says "hi~" and walks in he closes the door but before he does he scans the room and make sure  no one was following but bitch I wasss. They talked for a little so I though nothing abt it and u went to sit on the sofa and was seeing if I could just go to sleep there. I started to drift off when all of a sudden u hear a loud moan coming from Draco's room. I began to walk to Draco's room and and while I was I here a door open from one of the boys room so I look around and see no one so. I knock on the door " can y'all like lower it done please I'm fucking tired thanks babessss" u said u turned u knocked into someone u said sorry and u hear them knock on the door and say " dont lower in down get louder to just piss off poor little yn and her needs" i instantly knew who it was "can u fuck off riddle"  " I would but the girl I'm supposed to be having sex with didnt show up in time" he said "well  have fun with that man whore" u said to him. U walked away and smirked but he was following u to your dorm so u sped up a little and once u got to your room u shut it in his face (bad bitch energy)I finnaly got to my covers and pulled them up and over me and drifted off to sleep.

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