The Wedding

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The whole church were up on their feet as I, Kyra Irwin walked down the aisle towards, Harry. My husband to be.

Butterflies were racing through my stomach, making me feel nauseous. Our little girl Hannah, throwing petals in front of me, whilst my nephew, George and my brother Ryan walked me down the aisle to my fiancé.

I glanced through the seating and my eyes caught ahold of my mothers, tears flowing freely from her eyes. I had to look away, if not. I would start crying too.

When I'd finally built up the courage, I glanced over to the front of the church and my eyes were fixed on Harry. He looked breathtaking in his suit and tie. I can't believe that I'm going to be his wife.
We'd waited for this day for so long, so so long. Now it was here, today I was going to become Mrs Kyra Styles.

I wouldn't be branded as Harry's girlfriend, the term 'girlfriend' sounded immature. However, wife sounded more affectionate and mature.

Once I'd reached the loving arms of my man, he pulled me closer and whispered into my ear. " You look stunning" He smiled before kissing my cheeky swiftly.

The service moved on, the boring parts that mean the world to the individuals getting married. Finally, I was married. Finally, I was Mrs Styles. Finally, I was Harry's, forever.

The whole crowd erupted in a mighty roar of approval and happiness as we walked hand in hand back down the aisle, throwing confetti above our heads.
Huge smiles on our faces.

" Welcome to my world, Mrs Styles."

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