Chapter 11

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My body slumped in the double bed. Sprawling out over the entire bed. 

I stared at the ceiling wondering what Harry was doing. I was brought out of my wondering when a loud thud was hit against the front door. I collected a jumper and slumped it over the vest top and shorts i was wearing. 

The knocks became more frequent. " I'm coming, I'm coming." I scurried down the stairs. I checked through the peep hole to see it was Harry. I slid across the top look and turned the lock in the door. 

" Kyra." Harry walked into the home whilst i locked the door behind him.

" What do you want, Harry?" I walked around him into the hallway. " I'm sorry" 

" You haven't come here to fill me with your bullsh*t have you? Because if you ha_" I was interupted in the middle of my rant by Harry's lips. Once his lips had hit mine, i kissed back. Wanting, needing more.

My hands ran through his curls, the kissing gaining more heat and she picked up my legs and i wrapped them around his waist. " I'm sorry " Harry mumbled through the kiss. " It's alright" I pulled his lips closer too mine. We climbed the stairs, I was still in his arms and the kiss hadn't broken.

He kicked open my bedroom door and laid me down on the bed, I kissed his collar bone as he kissed my neck and moaned deeply. " I'm not ready." I pushed Harry off me.

" What do you mean? I thought you wanted this?" Harry quizzed. 

" I wanted it too be special. Today wasn't special." I sat up pulling my top back down.

" I don't understand" 

" Harry, you've just been with another girl, you smell of sweat and cheap perfume. You have lipstick marks up your neck and probably down your torso." I observed his body, pulling up the top and witnessing my theories were correct.

" But i came for you." " After you did what you did, Harry i'm not having ago, i'm just saying. I'm not ready, please respect that." 

" Sorry." Harry's face looking down. 

" Don't be sorry, i should be sorry. I shouldn't have spoken too you like i did." I admitted.

" I shouldn't have called you all them names i did." His large palm grabbed my arm pulling me up to his body, he pulled me in for a long demanding hug. 

I pulled out and climbed into the bed. " I'm going to go in the other bed, night." Harry waved off.

" Night" 

I expected him to climb into my bed, but instead he climbed into the single bed in the other room.

I think i was developing feelings for Harry, in the short amount of time. But it wasn't a short amount of time really, because i've always liked him. Since he threw me of a swing when we were 4, since we shared baths together when we were 3, since we walked home together from school when were 14+. I've liked him a long time. But he hasn't liked me back. 

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