Chapter 13

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" How did you meet Hannah?" I asked Harry, who was sat opposite me. 

" Well, we went to party and i slept with her, then she just kept calling me back for more. I accepted." He mumbled through eating food.

" So you never actually went out with her then?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

" No, she just liked to title it as a relationship, when really all we were doing is having boring sex, once maybe twice every week." He confessed, he was so open to me.

" Wow, nothing exciting then?" 

" Nope, i've been looking for a real relationship for ages, but couldn't find one. I let it slip to Louis and then management got this into their heads." 

" What's so wrong with me?" I asked slurping my fresh lemonade. " Nothing, you're perfect." 

I lightly blushed at Harry's comment and smiled. " Not so bad yourself." I winked.

After the meal we started travelling back to the car, by this time. There was a lot of people outside. Fans, News reporters, more fans. I didn't know where to go, or what to do. There were girls throwing themselves at Harry. I grabbed his hand, once Harry had realized my presence, he clutched my hand tighter, making sure i felt safe. Which I did. 

is this your girlfriend Harry?" " Is she pregnant?" " What's her name?" " Come on Harry don't be shy." 

" Hey hun, wanna be front page of the newspapers? Smile." A large man spoke, squeazing my backside. I pulled my hand out of Harry's grasp which made him turn around. I slapped the news reporter round his face.

" Never touch me again, you hear me?" I shouted. 

Harry's alarms were ringing, loud and clear.  " What did you do to my girl?" Harry pushed the man backwards.

" Come on, i was only seeing if she was frigid." " Never touch her again, UNDERSTAND?! Get a proper job you idiot." Harry pushed him back once again, before regaining my hand and walking off down near the car. 

We both climbed into the car, Harry was still mad. He punched the dash board. " Do you mind?" I laughed.

" Sorry." He apologised. " I should go back there, and punch him so hard. He shouldn't even be touching women like that. If i ever see him again." He started winding off. Shouting louder. 

" Harry, thank-you for being so protective. But come on, you just feel threatened." I began driving down the roads, on the way back to my house. 

" You what?" He asked all confused. " You know i love a big bloke, bold to the brim and that." I joked. 

He started smiling, the darkness in his eyes had been lifted. He was becoming more calmer. " You do realize we're gonna be hot news now." Harry spoke.

" I gathered when all the teens grabbed out their phones to video it." 

" I'm sorry " Harry apologized again. " Don't be, you saved me from a threat." I smiled; pulling up into my drive. We got out of the car and started to go inside.

Once we became settled, we started to check Twitter and more social media sites.

" E! Reported that THE Harry Styles was seen sticking up for his new girl. The girls name is reported to be Kyra after a fan let leak about their destination by accident. Later on after a lovely meal they had in the center of town, "Kyra" was harrased by a news reporter. He apparently felt up her bottom, which "Kyra" wasn't too pleased with. This is when Harry lashed out at the news reporter and pushed him back twice. The news reporter spoke too Harry by saying " He was making sure she wasn't frigid" Frigid? With ladies man Harry Styles, i don't think so! But before Harry lashed out, "Kyra" slapped the news reporter. Good on you girl! - The news reporter has been suspended till further notice. - "

" WMYB star Harry Styles has attacked a news reporter whilst protecting new girlfriend. But who is she?"


@*****_1D : I met Kyra and Harry and they're pretty sweet together, Hope they're okay.

@****1D: The girl deserved to get harrassed. Harry doesn't love her, lol fool.


@Harry1D**: Aw, Harry protected his true love, aw. 

Harry started typing a tweet whilst sat next too me. 

" Sorry for the inconvience today, all has been ressolved. No women deserves to be felt up like she's a piece of meat. No women." 

He then tweeted again saying.

" Her name is KYRA. Yes, you got it right people. @_KyraIrwin << Her twitter." 

As soon as that tweet was sent, my Twitter was going crazy, followers,tweets,mentions, everything.

I tweeted: " @Harry_Styles um what did you do?" 

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