Chapter 7

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" We can visit your mum and my mum?" Harry suggested.

" My mum's probably too busy."

" We can always try." Harry mumbled whilst eating his toast.

"okay, ill go and get ready." I licked the butter that had melted onto my lips whilst eating the toast Harry had made me.

He smiled and before I could exit the room his arms entangled my body too his.

" Tonight will be special don't worry."

" I'm not worrying." I lied.

On the outside I looked like I was ready for anything, on the inside I was dying, nervous,scared and mostly worried.

You hear about girls that get pregnant the first time round and they used protection, sometimes they were even on the pill. I don't want a baby, not yet anyway.

There would always be that grip of terror holding me back.

I climbed the stairs and walked over to my wardrobe collecting items of clothing, the sun was shining today but there was still a cool breeze passing by collectively making the hairs on your arms stand up straight like soldiers.

I chose a floral dress with skin tanned tights, you couldn't tell the difference with my legs. I brushed my hair and clipped my fringe back out of the way. After I applied a natural amount of make-up.

I could hear Harry speaking from downstairs, his tone getting angrier and angrier by the second.

" you left me remember"

" well I'm not your left overs."

" I have someone"

" ill be over later then."

These were only some of the sentences that spilled out of Harry's forbidden mouth.

I stretched my dress out and started walking down the stairs.

" You look nice." Harry smiled.

" thanks, you best go and get a shower and get dressed." I informed him.

He nodded and walked upstairs.

From the doorway I saw Harry's phone lighting up.

I walked over the the iPhone not thinking anything of it..

I sat down when the name " Hannah " popped up. I slid the front screen to read.

" Harry, sleeping with Tommy was a mistake, I still love you."

Harry replied " I still love you too. But I can't be your play buddy no longer."

" Harry, forget about the new girls you've met, come to mine tonight and ill make it up too you. If you know what I mean ;) "

Harry replied " ill be round about 8ish, ill slip away from her."

" Good, she's got nothing on me anyway."

I dropped the phone as I heard Harry's footsteps dawning closer.

" you ready?" He asked.

" Yeah." I stood up.

" Oh you know tonight, can we reschedule? I have band practice"

" Yeah, sure. Ill see if Chloe or Amelia want to go out or something."

He was lying and he was doing a pretty good job at it.

I started to walk out of the door without even telling Harry about my exit.

" Wait up!" Harry yelled.

He locked the door and chased after me.

" through the park?" He planned the route..

" whatever"

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