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Daku's pov

In the morning Evelyn had woken me up saying to help her because she didn't know her way around the palace. We ended up in the forest not to far from the kingdom.

"You know orchids are really beautiful but tulips are definitely better" She's always been blunt when it comes to talking about flowers or the rivaling kingdoms.

"Says the one who's worst enemy wants your love.''

"So they say but it's obviously fake.''

"I don't think so"

"Are you kidding me he's killed my parents he knows that if everyone is dead before me I wont put up a fight! Right now I'm the biggest threat to him because-"

"I get it okay. You are a fucking time god so is Alli but for death!" I looked at her and she was crying." I'm sorry"

"How did you know? When did you find out? How did you find out?!"

"Alli told me so I could keep my eye on you and help you with my abilities for your memories"

"I don't need help, I need support. I'm going home" She left after that while i stood there in shock of what happened 

3rd person pov

Evelyn had gotten on her horse, thanked the servants and left the orchid palace. Evelyn decided to stop at a village. She left her horse at an inn then went to the market where she accidentally ran into a mysterious figure?

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