Chapter 5

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Monica sat in her study as she pondered deeply about her conversation with Jiu. She wondered why the lady seemed hesitant to ask for help with something that was troubling her. Then again, she and the lady were barely acquaintance much less Monica being someone the lady could confide in. Maybe Lucy knew something, no- she definitely do with how strange she was acting if Lucy wasn't just as confused.

"If you don't mind, tell me more about it. Perhaps I could offer some assistance,"

"Oh, there's no need but thank you," Jiu chuckled.

"Anything for the future Queen of Dulryn," Monica noticed how Jiu's smile dropped upon hearing the word 'Queen'. It was something worth taking note, it would help Lucy in assisting the Lady knowing small details like this.

Lucy's description of Lady Jiu previously were completely off. The Lady wasn't hard-hearted and unapproachable like what she was told. Could her sister be lying? For what reason? It was then realization struck Monica. There was an attempt of assassination on the lady with poison. Still, it didn't make any sense to Monica. Poison could kill, but what are the chances of it erasing your memory? If anything, the poison might just be an excuse the assassin had used to distract others and put a curse on Jiu. Though it was odd, if she really was cursed, why can't she see anything lingering around the lady? Monica's pendant that was supposed to sense things of that kind didn't glow either. There was only this odd, almost demonic aura surrounding her that Monica could only feel but not see.

Lucy could be in danger so she need to look for that someone.


In the midst of dinner, chaos unfold when the King collapsed. Royal doctors were summoned by the Queen and royal guards stood firmly all over the palace. Royal maids scattered around on full alert as they prepare for the worst.

As soon as the royal doctors had arrived and examinations were made, the King demanded for his advisor. Everyone in the palace knew what it meant. Word quickly got around that the King didn't have much time left.

The King was resting in his chamber, tended by the Queen and Della when the Crown Prince rushed inside, followed by Rachel. The prince immediately kneeled by his father's side, giving his greetings as the King spoke up.

"Fortnight," he said with a coarse voice. "By fortnight, you will be King," The mood in the chamber turned more sombre than it already was before and the King chuckled. He was aware of how unfit his son would be as a King, but what could her ever do? Only a man can be trusted to be on the throne and his incapable son the only man of royal blood.

"I hope you don't drag the kingdom down with you, my son,"


She couldn't believe what was happening. Why was destiny so eager to ruin the lives of Dulryn? A monster blinded by greed shouldn't be given the chance to reign over so many innocent people yet there they were, preparing for the marriage and coronation of the kingdom's future King, Stefan Dulwich. That scoundrel, Della snarled as she stomped into her chamber. Rachel, who had been trailing behind her, stopped in her tracks before turning to leave without a single word spoken as the doors of her sister's chamber closed.

She understood why Della would be so agitated. The moment the prince sits on the throne and the King passes, her mother would be deemed unworthy and they would be kicked out of the palace. If Stefan would have mercy, that is.

If not, they would be exiled out of the kingdom or worse, executed.


"I knew I could trust you, Gahyeon!" Minji pounced on her poor maid and hugged her tightly. Lucy decided to just leave the over the moon lady be as they walked closer to their awaiting carriage.

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