Chapter 10

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"Jiu?" Dami and Sua turned their attention to Minji, who stood a few feet away, her hand clasping that of a minor, ragged boy. The sight of the boy's tattered clothes and the marks of chains on his limbs stirred Sua's concern. She approached the boy cautiously, her voice filled with compassion.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Sua gently suggested, leading the boy away to tend to his needs. As they disappeared from view, Dami remained with Minji, their eyes meeting in silent understanding.

"What was it about Jiu? Is there any hope of bringing her back?" Minji inquired, her voice tinged with longing.

Dami's response held a mix of uncertainty and caution. "We cannot be certain at this moment. So tell me, how much do you truly know about Jiu?"

Minji hesitated, her thoughts briefly trailing back to the enigmatic character she had inhabited. "Not much," she admitted softly.

Returning to the room, Sua rejoined the conversation, her tone carrying a sense of urgency. "You mentioned living in the forest, didn't you?"

Minji nodded in affirmation, curious about Sua's line of questioning.

Sua's words held a weight of suggestion. "Perhaps it would be wise for you to return there," she proposed, her gaze unreadable.


"Why did you do that?" Dami asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of concern.

Sua met her gaze, her expression resolute. "The baroness mentioned that she would be paying us a visit," she explained, her tone filled with caution. "Given the current circumstances, I believe it is best to keep Minji hidden from the prying eyes of the nobles."

Dami nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a shared understanding. The gravity of the situation was not lost on them, and they both recognized the need to protect Minji from potential harm or unwanted attention.


When Minji returned to the shabby cottage, a sense of familiarity washed over her as she spotted a horse grazing contentedly in the yard. She hurried towards the door but collided with a figure she instantly recognized: Rachel. For a brief moment, Minji thought she detected a somber expression on Rachel's face, but it vanished as soon as their eyes met.

"I'm glad you're back safe and unharmed," Rachel greeted her warmly.

A smile tugged at the corners of Minji's lips. Rachel's presence brought her a sense of comfort and reassurance. However, when Rachel inquired about her whereabouts, Minji hesitated, unsure how much to reveal.

"Oh! I was... exploring," Minji offered, pausing briefly. "And I went to town."

A furrow formed on Rachel's brow as she absorbed the information. "Alone?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

Minji twirled around playfully, trying to dismiss any worry. "Yes, but I'm quite alright," she reassured. "See?"

Rachel's concern persisted. Her tone conveyed a mixture of caring and caution that tugged at Minji's heart. She longed to confide in Rachel, to share the truth with someone she trusted. Yet, a flicker of fear held her back, knowing the potential consequences that could follow.

But then, a spark of excitement ignited within Minji. She remembered something she had discovered in the town. With a determined gleam in her eyes, she gently nudged Rachel back inside the cottage, closing the door behind them. Rachel observed with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

"I found something in town," Minji proclaimed, retrieving an aged book from her bag.

Her encounter with the young boy had led her to a market stall selling ancient books. Among them, one book had caught her attention—an old tome adorned with the royal crest. Its familiarity had sparked a memory within her, prompting her to investigate further.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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