Chapter 8

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As Minji was brought into the dungeon, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hopelessness wash over her. The room was dimly lit, and the air was thick with the scent of damp stone and mildew. To top that off, the reeking of blood. The only thing filling the silence was the sound of dripping water echoing in the distance with the occasional whining, moaning, and groaning, and the only light to exist came from a single torch flickering in the corridor outside her cell.

Minji sat on the cold, hard floor, her hands bound behind her back. She couldn't believe she had been accused of such a heinous crime. Despite her protests of innocence, the guards had thrown her into the dungeon without a second thought. They didn't even bother to take off the chains bounding her but she was a dangerous criminal in their eyes, thus respect does not apply to someone even worse than an animal.

As she sat there, Minji couldn't help but wonder who had framed her for the assassination of the prince. She knew Jiu had enemies all over the kingdom, but she had never imagined they would go to such lengths to ruin her life when Minji had not done anything bad for the while she lived as Jiu.

Memories of her childhood came flooding in. Who would've thought she would end up like this, all weak and defenseless? It was a pathetic sight. In the midst of reminiscing, a certain memory came to her attention.

"And I don't understand why you out of all people would kill my husband. Tell me, Rachel, just how much do you care for the people of Dulryn?"

"Enough to kill him."

Rachel? Minji shook her head. There's no way.

Was it due to the identical face? She couldn't help but see all of them as the ones she came to know as Minji but deep inside she was aware. Minji's aware that they are strangers to her. She was sure Yoohyeon would never do such a thing. Minji laughs, Yoohyeon couldn't even bring herself to hurt an ant, moreover a soul?

But Minji wasn't sure if Rachel wouldn't.


Dami's expression darkened as she frowned at Monica's words. "I'm surprised you came back alive," she said, her tone flat and devoid of any emotion.

Dami's heart skipped a beat. "You were expecting me dead?" she asked, a tinge of rising anger could be heard creeping into her voice.

Monica nodded, "A mere blunt attack would've killed him," she said, gesturing towards Dami. "And I know you're skilled enough to pull it off. But I can't help but doubt when I figured you planned on using poison instead."

Dami's eyes widened in shock. "What?" she exclaimed. "Is he supposed to be immune?"

"Of course, he's part of the royal family! How-" It was then Monica's turn to frown. "How else have you managed to kill him if you hadn't given up on the poison?"

"I didn't switch anything, the poison and the curse did their job," Monica was flabbergasted. Such a thing couldn't happen for as long as he has royal blood, for he's not the queen's bastard's son.

"Are you sure it was him?"


"Would you believe me if I were to tell you that I don't belong here? That I came from another world?" Minji asked, her voice wavering slightly.

"I wouldn't-" Minji weakly chuckled, anticipating Della's response.

"Of course," Minji replied with a hint of sarcasm. Her eyes fell to the floor, and she let out a sigh. "Then I'm guessing you're suspecting me of murder too, don't you, Do- Princess Della?"

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