Chapter 9

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During her time in the shabby cottage, boredom had seeped into Minji, leaving her heart filled with curiosity to explore the world she was currently in. Indeed, she wasn't exactly free to go around now that she was an escapee, but at least she was no longer bounded by the walls of Winston's residence and Jiu's identity. She decided to walk around the surrounding forest, making sure to leave a trace each time to lead her back home but on that particular day, she had stumbled upon something she had never witnessed before. Minji's heart pounded in her chest as she ventured deeper as if stepping into another realm. Whispers of ancient magic echoed through the towering trees, igniting a sense of wonder within her. The rustling leaves and distant whisper seemed to taunt her, urging her onward.

A soft, ethereal glow beckoned from a clearing up ahead, casting a captivating aura in the dim light. Intrigued, she quickened her pace, cautiously approaching the magical spectacle that unfolded before her eyes. In the center of the clearing stood a circle of enchanting figures, cloaked in dark robes. Their hands were raised in unison, their voices echoing in a melodic chant that resonated with the very essence of nature.

Mesmerized by the sight, Minji found herself instinctively stepping back and seeking refuge behind a nearby tree, hidden yet unable to look away. They moved with grace, their bodies swaying in harmony with the rhythmic cadence of their chant. Sparks of magic danced around them, illuminating the air with a dazzling display.

As Minji watched, a profound sense of connection washed over her. She couldn't help but wonder if these mystical beings held the answers she had been desperately seeking: a way back home.

Lost in her thoughts, Minji didn't notice the twig beneath her foot, which snapped and caused a faint crackle. The sound echoed through the clearing, catching the attention of one of the witches. Piercing eyes locked onto Minji, leaving Minji paralyzed and penetrating her very being, as the other witches turned their gaze toward the intruder.

The lead witch's expression appeared guarded and cautious, as she stepped forward to address Minji. Her voice cut through the cold air. "Who dares intrude upon our sacred ritual?" she demanded, her tone laced with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

It caused Minji to step out from behind the tree, her eyes meeting those of the lead witch. She could feel the intensity of the witch's gaze, and it almost left her shaking in fear. Gathering her courage, Minji decided to speak, "I... I mean no harm," she said, her words carefully chosen. "I was drawn to this place, guided by something I do not understand."

The lead witch regarded her with a skeptical gaze, her eyes scanning Minji as if searching for hidden intentions. "You claim to be guided, yet you know not the path you tread," she replied, her voice cautious. "How can we trust you, an outsider?"

Minji felt a pang of disappointment, realizing that her arrival had not been met with immediate acceptance. She understood the witch's caution, knowing that her presence was unexpected and unfamiliar. But she couldn't deny the burning curiosity that drove her here, nor the longing for answers that stirred deep within her soul.

With determination, Minji met the witch's gaze, her voice earnest and sincere. "I may be an outsider, but-" Minji stopped her words, stuttering to let out a response. "I- Please, allow me the chance to prove my intentions."

"There is no need," The witch said, to which Minji nodded, gratitude can be seen on her face. As the lead witch stepped back into the circle, the other witches resumed their chant, their wary gazes shifting between Minji and their leader.

Minji stepped away from the ritual, leaving the mystical realm of the witches, where she found herself followed by a young girl, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and mischief.

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