Ch. 1

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Peter's pov
I woke up to screaming. I looked out from a window, it was still dark outside. I heard footsteps, i quickly closed my eyes, like i was sleeping. The door slammed open. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT DIDN'T YOU HEAR I CALLED YOU?!!" i heard May scream. I could tell she was drunk and probably on some kind of drugs. "I-I'm sorry i was sleeping." i said quietly. "DID I GAVE YOU A PREMISSION TO GO TO SLEEP?!" she screamed.

"I-umm you were sleeping and i didn't want to wake you up and annoy you." i said bit scared. "YOU ANNOY ME JUST BY EXISTING! I WISH YOU WERE DEAD INSTEAD OF BEN!" she screamed again, then walked to the closet and took out a belt. "No please i-i'm sorry." i begged knowing what's about to happen.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE SAVED HIM!" she screamed hitting me with the belt. "YOU DESERVE TO DIE, NOT HIM!" she screamed hitting me again. I could see tears in her eyes. "I BET YOU ARE HAPPY HE'S DEAD, HUH?!"
I felt sharp pain in my stomach and blood on my shoulder as the belt hit my body again and again.

"N-no i l-loved him i-i..." i stutter. "STOP LYING TO ME YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" she screamed again. I could feel teras running down my cheeks. Then she throw me on the floor and started kicking me. I scream as she kicks one of my ribs (lol that rhymes). She screams at me for the last time this day something about me being useless, but i can't hear her. My ears are ringing and my vision is going black.

I wake up on a floor. I try to sit. That was a big mistake. My whole body hurts like hell. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I don't have a T-shirt on and my whole stomach is covered in bruises. At least i don't have any bruises on my face. My hair are all greasy and i have bags under my eyes. I'm a mess. I sigh. I feel sharp pain in my lungs. This time it was pretty bad.

I go to my closet, i put on a t-shirt and hoodie to hide my arms. I still have a cuts and scars on them. I mean, i don't even have to hide it, not that anyone would care about me. I take my backpack and quietly go to living room. I know exactly which spot on floor makes sound and i perfectly avoid them. I don't even bother going to kitchen for breakfast, i know there's nothing except beer.

I open the door and head to school. In schoold nothing important happens, most of the classes are boring. That changes after lunch, the principal calls me to the office. "Hello." i say slightly nervous. Have i done something wrong?

"Hello Peter, please sit down." the principal says, but he doesn't seem upset. "I have good knews for you, you have the highest score on the test you took last week from whole school. You had 100/100 points. That means you will be new personal intern for Tony Stark." he says smiling at me.

No way. I-i i'll be what? I can't beleive it. This has to be a dream. There's no way that's true. I will meet Tony Stark!
"You will start today at 5PM at Stark Tower." he says.
"T-thank you sir. Good bye" i stutter and walk out the principal office. I still can't beleive it. How did i deserve this?

After school i go home. I don't even open the door and already hear screaming. Great. May and her boyfriend are arguing again. Guess on who they'll take the anger out? I sigh and walk in.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DRINK MY LAST BEER YOU BITCH?!!" May's boyfriend Garry shouts. "HOW DO YOU DARE TO CALL ME A BITCH?!" May shouts back. They are both drunk. I quickly run to my room trying to be invisible when i hear Gerry yell. "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING"

"To my room." i mumble.
"I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME SIR!" he yells and throws a bottle of beer at me. I can feel my spidey sense, but i don't move. The bottle hits my shoulder making my shoulder and neck bleed. "I'm sorry sir." i say.

Then May shouts something at him and he shouts back. They start yelling again and i quickly dissapear to my room. I look in the mirror, my shoulder is bleeding through my hoodie. Fuck. I take off my hoodie and clean my shoulder. Some shards hit my neck and i have there a wound. Fucking awesome.

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