Ch. 6

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Tony's pov
This really didn't go as planned. I quickly flew with the boy in my arms to Stark Tower. "Friday, tell Bruce to set up the medbay, now!" i said to the AI. He looked so broken, it really wasn't a good idea to go after him. He already has enough of his own problems. I flew him to the med bay, Bruce was already waiting on us. "He lost lots of blood." i said putting him on the table. I don't know why, but i cared about him, he reminded me of Peter, he was just a kid.

"Don't take his mask off." i said.
Bruce quickly got to work and i left, becuase i knew there was nothing i could do. God we really screwed up.

Peter's pov
I woke up, i saw bright light. Am i in the heaven? Mom? Dad? Uncle Ben? I opened my eyes more and saw a...ceiling? Weird, but i guess they need ceilings even in heaven. I looked around me and saw some machines. I looked at my left arm, i had bandaged wrist.

Suddenly i remembered everything. Fuck. Mr. Stark saved me, they'll know who i am and kick me out. I touched my face, i still have my Spiderman mask on, that's at least one good news. I looked at my left wrist, the cuts from last night were gone, thanks to my super healing. At least they don't know about this.

The door opened and i saw Bruce walk in. "Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked. "Not really good, i'd feel better if you'd just let me die." i snapped. I didn't mean to, but i was mad. I could finally be happy, with my family and they had to destroy it.

I saw sadness in his eyes "You know, it's not that easy, we can't just let you die, we need you, New York needs you." he said.

"Yeah sure, you need my identity and you need me to protect New York, but you don't actually need me, you need Spiderman, not me. Nobody cares about me, everyone only cares about Spiderman." i said my eyes starting to water.

Bruce sighed and started to change my bandages, but i could see the sadness in his eyes. Mr. Stark walked in. "If you'd see me with a razor blade in my hand, you'd just let me die, you saved me because i'm Spiderman." i said, you could hear i was crying.

Mr. Stark and Bruce exchanged worried looks. "Hey kid, i don't know you and i know nothing about your life, but there's one thing i know. Someone would miss you, your family, your friends-" Mr. Stark said.

"Family? What family?! My whole family is dead and i don't have any friends!" i yelled. They both looked at each other suprised and Mr. Stark looked a bit upset.

"You know what? You can have my suit, i'll show you how to make the webs and you can give it to someone else to be Spiderman and just let me die." i said crying.

Mr. Stark sighed and left. Bruce put disinfection on my cuts, it hurt but what's a bit of physicall pain compared to what i felt emotionally?

Then he left and i was alone again. I decided it's best to leave. I took my backpack, opened the window and jumped out. I swang from building to building, but i didn't know where to go. I couldn't go to Stark Tower and i really didn't want to go "home".

I ended up on a random roof, the bulding was tall, so i had a nice view on the New York. I looked down at the people underneath me. They were so small.

Tony's pov
I went to check on the kid and found out he wasn't there. Shit.

"Friday, track down Spiderman." i said to the AI running to tell others. At this point i didn't even care about his identity, i just wanted him to be okay. God know's where he is and what he's done to himself.

I ran to the living room and told other to suit up. We need to find him. Then i ran to my suit. Friday couldn't find him location, which means we'll just have to look for him.

"Steve, Thor go together, Clint and Bruce, you two go together and me and Nat we'll go together. Quickly we don't have time." i said as Nat and started flying around New York looking for the kid.

It was about another 30 minutes late and we still couldn't find him. I started to give up, when i saw him on the edge of a roof.

Peter's pov
The sun was going down and the sky was orange. I stood on the edge of a roof as tears streamed down my face.
All of this was going to waste. My whole life. It was all for nothing. I took my mask off and as i was about to step of the roof i heard a sound behind me.

"Spiderman get away from the edge." i heard Mr. Stark say. What was he doing here?

"Kid, please step away from the edge. This is not worth it." I heard Natasha say. I was getting pretty angry. Why do they have to destroy all of my plans?

"Leave me alone." i said coming closer to the edge.

"Get away!" Mr. Stark raised his voice. "Please!"

"Leave me alone! Did you not understand?!" i said and turned around angrily. What i didn't realise was that i took off my mask before, so they could see my face. Both of them gasped.

"P-Peter?" i heard Natasha say.

"Kid?" Mr. Stark said as tears filled his eyes. "Please Peter get away from the edge." he said as the tears started to fall down his cheeks.

"Please, i love you i can't lose you." he cried. I hesitated and that was my mistake. Mr. Stark quickly flew over to me and pulled me down on the roof as i started to sob in his arms. We both just sat there and cried.

Natasha walked over to us and started stroaking my hair.

"Why didn't you tell us you were struggling this much?" she asked. I didn't know what to say so i just kept crying.

"You know you can talk to us kid." Mr. Stark continued.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't do it anymore." i cried. Mr. Stark hugged me even tighter and i saw Natasha wipe a tears from her eyes. After a while when i calmed down, Mr. Stark flew us all home, i went to my room and as my head hit the pillow i fell asleep, i was exhausted.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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