Ch. 4

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Peter's pov
I stepped to the elevator. "Hi Friday, to the floor 86." i said. "Sure thing Peter." the AI said. When i arrived to the lab, i saw Mr. Stark. I was looking at the floor and pu my hood up, so he won't notice my black eye. "Hello Mr. Stark." i said. "Hey Pete, what are you doing here so early?" he asked. "I umm didn't have any plans, so i thought i could work here a bit more." i said "Is it okay? I can leave if you have better plans i don't want to bother you." i said still looking down. "No it's okay, you don't bother me kid, i was just going to get lunch." he said "Come with me."

We went to the living, thankfully noone noticed my black eye yet. I kept my head down. In the living room Clint and Bucky were arguing about something while Natasha was laughing and Steve shouting "language". They all stopped as we walked in. "What's with you face Peter?" Steve asked concerned. Mr. Stark looked at me worried. "N-nothing." i stuttered. "Are you okay Pete?" i heard Natasha. "Show me your face kiddo." Mr. Stark commanded "n-no" i tried to turn away from him.

He grabbed my chin and turned my face up. He gasped. "Who did this?" Natasha asked walking towards me. I felt tears in my eyes, but i sucked it up. "Kid, what happened?" i heard Mr. Stark's voice, he sounded angry. "I-i fell..." i stuttered. I couldn't hold the tears anymore and just started crying. "Hey, hey it's okay." Mr. Stark said and hugged me. God i hate myself. This is the second time i'm crying infront of my idol. He must think i'm weak and hate me.

After i cried to Mr. Stark's t-shirt i calmed down a bit. "Kid, tell me what happened." he said but his voice was softer. "I-umm i..i fell down the stairs."
Everyone in the room looked at me concerned. Natasha looked like she was going to murder someone. "I-i'm so sorry Mr. Stark." i said. "Don't apologise kid." he said but looked sad, i don't think he beleived my lie.

After i calmed down, we went to the lab. Me and Mr. Stark came out with really cool uprageds for his suit. We worked for like 4 hours, but it felt like only 10 minutes. I looked over at Mr. Stark desk. He was sleeping, his head laying on the papers and his hand holding a cup of coffee standing on the table that he didn't drink. I didn't want to wake him up, so i went to the living room on floor 90.

"Hey Peter, where's Tony?" Clint asked. "He fell asleep on his desk." i said. "That's good, let him sleep, he haven't slept in 3 days." Natasha said. "You have a good influence on him." Clint got up walking to the elevator "Come with me Peter, this will be fun." he said with a smile. I got in the elevator "Floor 86 Fri." he said. "What exactly are we going to do?" i asked. "We'll upgrade Tony." he said laughing. We stepped out the elevator, Clint took markers out his pockets and handed me one.

He went to Mr. Stark that was still asleep and draw a flower on his forehead. "Common Peter, don't worry." he said. I drew a star on his forehead. Clint drew more beard on his cheek, it wouldn't look that bad, if the marker wasn't red. After we were done, Mr. Stark looked...well upgraded. "Friday, take a picture." i said gigling. "Done Peter." the AI responded. Then we went back to living room.

"Why are you two laughing so much?" Natasha asked as we walked in. "We upgraded Mr. Stark." Clint said laughing. "Yeah i'm sure he'll get every girl now." i said gigling. Natasha looked at us confused, but didn't ask anymore questions. Me, Clint and Natasha talked for a while and Natasha told me to call her Nat. *Ding* the elevator opened and Mr. Stark walked in looking upset. "What the hell did you do?" he shouted at Clint. His face was all painted. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Clint said laughing. Nat and i started laughing. "And you, i know you did this too, Friday told me." he said to me. "I would never do that." i said, maybe it would be more convincing if i weren't laughing so much.

Steve walked in "Interesting design Stark, well everybody has to start somewhere right? But if i can give you an advice, don't get this tattooed." he said laughing. "Fuck off Rogers!" he shouted "Language!" Steve shouted back. "I mean, you should thank us, now you'll get every girl you ever wanted." i said laughing. "Yeah we made you more attractive."

Mr. Stark walked to the bathroom angry to wash it of. "I hope he doesn't fire me." i said. "No don't worry, you're exactly what he needs." Nat said. When Mr. Stark came back, with his hair wet we went back to lab. We worked for few more hours. Then we went back to living room eat. I went to the bathroom and when i walked back throught the hallway, Clint and Mr. Stark jump scared on me. It reminded me Garry beating me and i immediately fell back to the floor from my reflex.

Nat was watching through the door. " Oh shit kid are you okay?" Mr. Stark asked. My heart was pounding faster and faster. I heard May screaming at me. "Y-yeah i'm fine." i said. Clint handed me a hand and helped me to get up. "Sorry Pete, we didn't mean to scare you so much." he said. "It's fine." i said and smiled. Nat looked at me worried, but i tried to act okay and smiled at her. Then we all went back to living room. We finished eating and then we worked in the lab for an hour, then i checked the time, it was 7:01 PM and i had to go "home".

Tony's pov
When Peter left, i went back to living room. We need to make a new plan to catch spiderman. "So what are we gonna do about Peter?" Natasha asked. "What do you mean?" i asked confused. "Didn't any of you notice? He wears hoodies in summer, then he has neck bruise, tommorow when i tap his shoulder from behind he flinched, today he had black eye from "falling down the stairs" and when you jump-scared him he fell to the floor and almost started crying, and also i noticed he had blood on his hoodie." she said kinda upset.

"Wow calm down, you're overreacting." Clint said. "I am trained spy, you asshole, i'm not overreacting and if i were in your shoes i'd be carefull about what i'm saying, because i know more then 100 ways how to kill someone." she said and gave Clint a death stare and Clint rolled his eyes. "When Steve asked about his parents and he ran to the bathroom, he actually had a panic attack, i had to calm him down, but he didn't tell me what was it about." i said worried.

"See? There's something obviously wrong with Peter, we have to help him." Nat said. "Maybe he's getting bullied," i said. "kids these days are stupid idiots and Peter is smart and kind, the exact opposite."
"Maybe." Nat said, but i could see there was something different on her mind.

Published: 11.9.2022
Words: 1272

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