05. writing sessions

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Michael rarely left a building. Thus making him the most pale human being that Luna had encountered. He appeared even more pale when he stood beside Luna with her tanned skin.

"Let's go," Luna whined as she dragged him along behind her to who-knew-where. He trusted her enough to know she wasn't a rapist so that was a plus.

After what felt like miles of walking Luna halted to a stop in front of a large building.

A large building that Michael didn't recognize. To be fair, he didn't recognize most buildings they walked past.

They walked up the steps to the colossal mansion. Once they get closer he read a sign 'Clarksvidal Library'.

He breathed in as they entered, smelling the ancient books and the knowledge they possessed. Luna sat down in a nearby table and motioned for him to follow her.

"So you like to write?" she confirmed.

"Songs, yes," Michael said.

"How about we write a story," Luna smiled like she had shared a master plan. Like they were going to break the law using a piece of paper, a pen and a little imagination.

"And this is what you do for fun?" Michael chuckled. He thought they would be headed to a party by now.

"This is the only think I like to do that you would like as well. We can go crash a party another time."

She took a notebook and pen out of her messenger bag. She handed it to Michael making him start first. He didn't know what to write. So he wrote the best thing he could write about. Love.

It's funny how people write about love all the time. Even if they never experience it, they know what it should feel like. How they want it to feel like.

He scribbled and wrote down what came to his mind. Luna examined how his eyes light up at how concentrated he seemed. He wrote like his life depended on it. Maybe it did.

When he finished he handed the notebook back to Luna and she read what he wrote. She was astonished about what Michael came up with.

She's standing on a sidewalk under a flashing neon light. And he hair's so bright, he has to squint when he looks in her direction. His eyes are burning out one fucking retina at a time. She reaches for him and pulls his shirt. Now she's leaning forward. As soon as her mouth hits his, he wonders if he will remember his name once the kiss is over.

Irony. Pure irony, Luna thought. The world's worst reader also turned out to be the world's greatest writer. Now it was her turn. She couldn't write serious pieces. She wasn't a serious person. And she definitely couldn't write as well as he could. So Lune sprinkled a little bit of her magic when she wrote.

"Keep quiet," she giggles.
"About what?" he growls, "you dying your hair or that cheap alcohol?" He pushes her back like she's ten, she practically is. She's so young. And he wonders what will Janice think. Maybe coming out tonight was a mistake after all.

"Well that took an unexpected turn," Michael said after finishing reading Luna's paragraph.

Michael was tired. He always was. But he couldn't just sleep it off.It was something he lived with. Something that became a part of his daily routine. Throughout the day he would get shots of extreme tiredness and they would eventually go away after many minutes or hours. He would want to sleep but sleep was a word unfamiliar to him. A word he only described as bad and terrible.

Luna felt the same way. But only with her the tiredness was something she couldn't shake off. It was with her 24/7, a pestering bug of sorts. She learned to live with it, to push it to the side and forget it all costs.

They spent the rest of the night in the library. That was how the spent their fifth night together. Writing back and forth. Peering over each other's shoulders. Most definitely not sleeping. Not even close. They were too hyper on the rush of writing. But at least they were together.

(This is a longer chapter hoped you liked it woo, I enjoy writing this story so much it's unbelievable. Okay can we get this to 450 reads??? Is that possible?)

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