09. not that she noticed

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"And then just as him and I are about to leave for lunch his, you won't believe this part, his girlfriend shows up," Luna complained to the not-too-old woman, Marla. Marla gasped as if the most horrid thing that happened, well it had.

"I can't believe it! I thought he liked you back!" she practically yelled.

"Mom please, I fancy him just about as much as I fancy fries," Luna said.

"But you don't like fries," her mom replied confused.

"That's the point mom," Luna sighed.

Sure she was always flirting with Michael and she thought that he liked her back but him having a girlfriend changed her plans. Extremely changed her plans.

Everyone loved short girls with blonde hair and blue eyes, of course he wouldn't go for someone like her. It didn't matter anyways, Michael was a complete loser, she was way out of his league. That's what she told herself.

"Well it doesn't seem like you don't like him. You sure talk about him a lot," Marla said.

Luna almost rolled her eyes but she knew her mom would kill her if she did. Instead she muttered her goodbyes before making her way to back the hospital for the night. She wasn't in the mood for partying. Just in the mood for escaping. And the greatest escape the world offers, reading.

So that was what Luna was doing when Michael entered the room. He had probably just come back from making out with April. Or maybe even had sex. He totally looked like he had come back from sex. His hair was crazy in all directions. Emerald green eyes were fires burning through her skull. And his shirt looked as if it was put on in a rush. Not that Luna noticed.

"Hey," Luna said as cheery as ever.

"Hi," Michael replied, "how was your day?"

"Great, how was yours?" They made small talk for a couple minutes. They even ended up talking about the weather. The fucking weather.

"Do you want to try sleeping tonight?" I know last time something pretty terrible happened but maybe we could try again," Luna brought up.

"I think that would be a good idea."

They laid down next to each other shoulders touching. Their breaths in sync and their thoughts wild. Luna didn't mention the fact that she was unite positive that every time they touched it electrocuted her. And now being pressed up shoulder to shoulder caught her on fire.

"I'msleepingoveratAprilstomorrow," Michael rapidly said all in one breath, "I hope you don't mind."

"Mind? Me? She's your girlfriend of course I don't mind loser," Luna laughed. And so did Michael. She hoped he didn't laugh because she looked nervous.

But Luna decided one thing, April was now her least favourite month.

He didn't sleep. So sleeping over at April's meant more sex. Not that she noticed.

Michael's hands, as they pressed up against hers, were soft and comforting. They seemed like such a nice spot to put her hands in. Not that she noticed.

His laugh was loud and his eyes crinkled with his smile. NOT THAT SHE FUCKING NOTICED.

"Yeah, girlfriend," he said the word again, like he was making sure that it sounded right.

They didn't talk for the rest of night. There was a mixture of awkwardness and calmness in the atmosphere. Neither knew which one was more overpowering.

The sun was just beginning to come up when something amazing happened. A miracle of sorts. Michael and Luna, the sleepless teenagers, slept for an entire hour. An hour. 60 minutes. 60 pure minutes of sleep and no bad things happening. Progress was being made.

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