08. lunch grabbing

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The next morning Luna and Michael detangled themselves. They both decided there was an unspoken rule of never speaking about last night's incident.

But they were both thinking the same thing. Of how frightening it was to see someone experience that. Not only that, but they were glad to have someone by their side. A friend who knew what it was to feel like their body was dying as their soul was living.

"I'm going to head off to work," Michael said as he got up and went to the bathroom to change.

"I'm gonna head out, maybe I'll stop by at the restaurant you work at and we could grab lunch," Luna stated stretching.

"Um I don't know," Michael shouted from the bathroom. What he didn't add was the fact that he had never 'grabbed lunch' with anyone besides his girlfriend.

"C'mon it'll be fun. You can text me the address," she said. He could feel her smile radiating positivity and rainbows and sunshine shit. Michael wasn't sure if he hated her smile or loved it.

"Okay fine," Michael gave up as he walked out of the door. Dressed in all black like he was going to a funeral, "see you then."

Luna smiled one last time before he got a chance to walk out.

Michael dodged his way through all the people in the crowded street. He made his way to the local restaurant on 5th Avenue. The only reason Michael got a job in the first place, was to be able to get some extra cash so he wasn't relying on his parents all the time. Plus, he got free food all the time.


"Let's go loser. We have lunch to grab," Luna jokingly said in her most intimidating voice.

"There are also other things I could grab," Michael muttered before analyzing exactly what had just come out of his mouth.

"Did you just?" Luna asked shocked at his comment.

Michael threw his hands up in defence, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it just came out. Tumblr brings out the sexual comments in me."

Just then, a petite girl walked through the kitchen doors, "Hmm so is this the girl that's been sleeping with the Mikester?"

Michael laughed lightly and so did the girl. Luna stood there awkwardly feeling out of place. Who was this girl? A friend? A cousin? The plumber? His mother that has had a lot of plastic surgery? And why had 'Mikester' simply forgotten to tell her about this girl?

"Luna, meet my girlfriend, April. April goes to university out of town and she decided to stop by as a surprise," Michael stated.

The word 'girlfriend' was the first thing that stuck out to Luna. Of course he forgot to mention that small little detail.

"I hope this isn't awkward for you, me sleeping with him and all," Luna smiled. April seemed nice, Luna assumed. And Luna was never rude to nice people.

"No, why would it be? I just want Mikey to get better," April said, "now where do you guys want to go for lunch?"

"Actually, I'll think you two should catch up. I'll see you later. Bye," Luna quickly suggested. They muttered quick goodbyes and she raced to the exit.

Half of what she said was true. Luna did think they should catch up. Especially since they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

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