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Jasmine pov

I woke up to my phone ringing

Fuck my head hurting

I look at it seeing Sharon

Sharon is my bestfriend mom she like a mom to me her and my mom was bestfriend she always told my mom if anything happens to me she will always be there for me

When my mom died I slip into a deep depression I didn't eat I couldn't sleep I didn't have my kids I just wanted my mom back but I couldn't get her back She was gone

My mom was like my bestfriends I could've told her anything and everything when I first told her I was gay she wasn't shocked because she wanted me to be gay because of my dick she didnt want me to be straight with a dick

My dad on the other hand didn't accept it but we told him wassup But he still didn't accept

My dad left my life when I was 6 I don't know where he is I loved my dad and I was a daddies girl

"Hey Sharon" I said sitting up with Jordie on me

"Hey hunny you was sleep"

"Yeah ma'am"

"Damn it's 3 in the Afternoon and you still sleep"

"I was out all last night" I said getting up going to the bathroom

"Oh well get over here"

"Yo daughter don't want me over at her house"

"What you done did to her now"

"I don't know she just told me don't came to her house unless it's bout the kids"

I pull my boxes down and piss

''Don't worry about her come over and don't be on no bullshit"

"I'm not is that nigga over there her dude"

''I don't know''

''Oh well Ight I'm be over there in a minute"

"Ok be safe love you"

"Always" I said before hanging up

"Your babymomma" I heard making me jump

Damn bitch why you so worried

"Damn Ma you scared me No that's my Mom's"

"Oh ok Goodmorning" she said kissing me
like she my girl or wife


"You want breakfast'' I ask

"No I'ma go get me some IHOP when we leave" she said using the bathroom

'Oh ok" I turn the shower on and got in

25 minutes later

I got out the shower dried off lotion body and put deodorant on and went to my closet and put on a black pole shirt with somengrey shorts and my 5

I got out the shower dried off lotion body and put deodorant on and went to my closet and put on a black pole shirt with somengrey shorts and my 5

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