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Next Day Monday December 19, Jasmine PoV

My alarm went off I got up and went to the bathroom and Used it I wash my hands and Brush my teeth and Wash my Face after I went to my Closet and put on some jogger shorts and A Hoodie after I put my hair in a Bun and Walk out the room to Amerie room I bend down Kiss her Forehead multiple time

"Get up Mama gotta get ready for school" I said Pulling her Up

"I don't wanna go to school"

"Well you going Mama so come on" I pull her up she walk to the bathroom and Brush her teeth and wash her face I went to her closet and pick out outfit and Laid it out on the bed I went to her Shoe Wall and Got the shoes to math her outfit "I'll be back" I told her I walk out her room to Khyson room and Woke him up He did his routine and put on her Clothes I brush his hair and Put it in a Ponytail I brush his sides he spray cologne on and His jewellery on

"Well you going Mama so come on" I pull her up she walk to the bathroom and Brush her teeth and wash her face I went to her closet and pick out outfit and Laid it out on the bed I went to her Shoe Wall and Got the shoes to math her outfit "I'll be...

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"You hungry" I ask him

"No ma'am" he said yawning I went back to a Amerie room she was Putting on her shoes "you look Beautiful" I kiss her forehead

"Thank you" she said Putting on her Perfume and I put her Two Blue Bows in her Head

"Thank you" she said Putting on her Perfume and I put her Two Blue Bows in her Head

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"You hungry" I ask sitting on her bed

"No ma'am Ok I'm bout to get Ivy up" I said

"Ok" She said Grabbing her book bag and Phone and Walking out her room downstairs

I went to my room and woke her up I wash her face and brush her teeth I put her hair in two ponytails and did her edges I put her clothes on and lotion her face

After I put her shoes and And I grab He iPad we went downstairs I gave Ivy a Honey bun and A Banana cause that what she Wanted

"Y'all ready" I ask grabbing my Cross Bag phone and Key

"Yea" they all said we walk into the garage I help them in and Buckle them in I got in and Lock the house I open tue garage and back out It close and I back out my Driveway and Head to Ivy school Her School Wasn't far from My House Which I'm glad Because ion got time Khyson and Amerie school isn't Far as well Soon I put up to Her School I got out and got her Out They ask for my ID and name Because they didn't see me before

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