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Next Day Saturday Jasmine Pov

Right now i was running Errands because Today is May 16 and My beautiful babygirl Birthday Is May 18

Yessir and she's turning 8 years old she's getting so Big right now I'm at the mall getting her Some Perfume and Lotion from Bath & Body Works

because she love perfume i got her The Strawberry Pound Cake perfume and lotion, The Pure Wonder Lotion and Perfume, Strawberry Cheesecake Lotion, The Warm Vanilla Sugar lotion and Perfume and The Blueberry Sugar Perfume and Lotion and i got her some Hand Sanitizer i paid for that and left

I went to Pink and got her Two bottle of her favorite perfume Her a couple of outfits some Slides And a Bookbag after i left i went to Footlocker and got her some Shoes i went to the Nike store and got her a Nike Tech and some Socks i went to LV and got her a purse after i got everything i went to get some to eat and left i got Paris to book a Nail and Spa Appointment for her I order her more clothes From Shein Fashion Nova and Chanel

I got a Facetime call from Paris i smile and Pick it up

"Wsp sexy pussy" i smile

"Girl" She Said blushing

"I miss you" she said poking her bottom lip out

"I miss you too" I said

"I'm on the way back tho I love you" I added

"Ok love you too drive safe" she said before hanging up

I put my phone back in cup holder and continue driving home


I got home I put the stuff in the Trunk and grab my phone bag and got out

I walk in the house seeing Karin and Paris in the living I put the food on the Island and went to the living room

"Hey baby" I kiss her

"Hey" she fake smile and got back on the phone

"Wsp Karin" I hug her

"Hey Jasmine" she push me

Where's My Isaiah I ask

"With my Mom"

"Where's the kids" I ask

"In the room because I gotta talk to you" she sat up

I sat down and frown

"Wsp with you" I said

"I'm pregnant" she said making me smile

"Yeah" she said her voice Crack

"Why you about to cry" I said grabbing her

"Because I-i got a abortion" she said giving me the Abortion paper

"You what stop playing wit me Paris" I Chuckle

"I'm not I don't want to keep it so I abort it"

"You fucking killed my Child bitch" I stand up

"I'm sorry" she said crying harder

"Wow" I smile before grabbing my phone I went upstairs and slam the door

This Stupid hoe Killed my Child is she Serious

I look in the Mirror and my Face was Red I could see my vains popping out my arm and Neck and Head I was So fucking pissed off

I'm about to kill this bitch I grab my gun out my safe and went downstairs I grab her by her neck and pin her against the wall an point the gun at her

"Bitch you kill my seed hoe" I said

"You kill my child so I'm about to kill you" I said


"NO THE FUCK IT'S NOT THESE ARE REAL ABORTION PAPER" i yelled throwing them at her face

"We swear they fake please put the gun down please Jasmine" Karin said I put it in my pants

"So I printed fake Abortion paper and Sign my name and shit like that" she explained

"Where's the camera then" I said she grab it and put it in my face

"Mannn y'all playing to fucking much don't do that ever again" I hug her and kiss her forehead

"I'm sorry baby and Thank you Karin" she hug her

"No problem girly I'ma see y'all later"

I walk her outside and wait until she got in the car and pull off and went back in the house the kids car running downstairs to me

"Mommy" They said jumping in me

"Wsp" I kiss their cheek

"What you getting me for my Birthday" Amerie said

"What do you want for your birthday"

"I new iPad and a sleepover with my friends and Kairi" she said

"Ok what color ipad you want" I ask

"A Pink one" she said

"Ok I got you babygirl how old you gonna be for your birthday" I ask

"8 YEARS OLDDDDD" she yelled dancing

"Girl" I said laughing

"What you don't like my dancing"

Yeah it Fabulous I said

"Thanks mommy" she said running off upstairs Khyson look at me and Stick his Middle finger up at me with his tongue out I just bust out laughing because that was Random

I went to the kitchen and got me some Fruits and a Water and Went upstairs to the room

I seen Paris on the Bed Crying I speed walk to her

"You ok baby" I said pulling her onto of me

"No my dad he's on it again" he said

"He's on it Bad I just call him and His words slurping you can hear it in his voice"

"You sure baby"

"I'm positive He used to do it Back then only me and my mom knew"

"Wow Maybe we should go over there tomorrow and talk to him stop crying it'll be ok" I peck her Cheek

She nod her head and got I'm the shower I grab my phone and went online to Apple.com and Got the 10th Generation Ipad with the Pen I pick our a Clear case and order it I have to go pick it up Tomorrow at 6 after I went to wash Khyson he ate I told him I love him and he went back to his room I went to Amerie room was in the Shower already

"Mama did you Eat before you got in" I ask

"Yes ma'am" she said

"Ok good night love you" I said

"Love you too" she said I walk out and went back to my room I got I'm the shower Got me Something to eat and Went to sleep

Short Chapter


Amerie birthday coming Y'all think Caresha gonna show up or what

Jasmine almost killed Paris

The abortion Prank is Crazy

Paris and Karin getting along

Y'all think Jordie and Paris can get along

What y'all think her pops on because it got her ass crying

What y'all think







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