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The sound of door opening echoed through the hallway. The clouds were rumbling giving every human being the warning to cover themselves for the water droplets.

Jungkook put off his shoes and walked to the living room where taehyung was sitting on the single chair looking out of the window.

He moved his head from window to jungkook looking him in the eyes.

His breathe hitched he hasn't looked jungkook in the eyes for so long before sometimes jungkook looked him in the eyes but there was guilt in them but after sometime he refused to ever meet his eyes maybe because he touched someone who wasn't him or because of the shame.

Coming out of his trace he told jungkook to have a seat.

'So...' jungkook started after some silence.

'you know what i wanted to talk and surely you do know what you did to me. So let's cut the chase let's break up jungkook' as taehyung finished. a deep silence fell on them. The air was suffocating him he didn't wanted this time to come but sadly it did.

'no' jungkook reply shocked taehyung. He felt angry just how much merciless can this person be?

'and why the fuck not?' taehyung said agitated

' taehyung listen I'm sorry but please don't go i can't imagine myself to come home when you are not there' jungkook choked out. He felt lump in his throat he couldn't let taehyung leave him he loved taehyung very much.

'then why would you cheat? I didn't wanted to leave this place. you made me do it.' taehyung spat. He was trying not to lash out on jungkook.

'taehyung please give me a second chance' jungkook wanted to make up for his mistakes he just a second chance to correct all the things.

'with whom were you cheating on me? For how Many times have you slept with that slut jungkook?' taehyung asked insted, ignoring what he said.

'T-Taehyung listen you don't have to know that just give me a second chance we can w-work it out' jungkook was now crying he just couldn't answer taehyung about how many times he has been unfaithful to him.

'HOW MANY TIMES JUNGKOOK?' taehyung shouted. He was feeling each and every emotion. He just couldn't let jungkook in his heart after he hurt him so bad.

't-two months taehyung but please taehyung don't leave me i would never talk to her again. I would never be with someone. I would do whatever you want. please taehyung I'm sorry. I'm so sorry taehyung' jungkook finally said it and he felt guilt consume him making him feel ashamed that he could do nothing other than saying sorry to taehyung.

'so it's a she huh? What's her name? Does she satisfy the way i couldn't? Do you imagine a family with her? Of course, she can give you a family. Does she know how filthy are you? Does she know how ugly you are from the insides? Aww, if she doesn't then she will soon afterall your inner filthy self wouldn't be able to hide it.' taehyung said. he was angry his tears stopped. He was just looking at jungkook how he was crying and it was giving him some odd satisfaction.

' n-no, n-no taehyung please only you can make me satisfy. I want a family with you please t-taehyung I'm sorry please forgive me. We can talk it out. P-please taehyung.' jungkook cried. He felt every word taehyung spoke. Taehyung is right. He is filthy he disgusts himself.

'what her name again?' taehyung asked, ignoring all of jungkook pleads.

't-taehyung please' jungkook pleaded

'' taehyung said each and every word. He was so angry. How can he love someone so filthy?

' I-It's Areum ' jungkook finally revealed. Remembering how he fooled around with her. How shamelessly he did things with her without having a single care about his boyfriend.

' wasn't she the slut of your college? Well doesn't surprise me. a slut with another slut. How romantic. The thought that you knew i was hurting but still continued doing it makes me feel disgusted by you. You are asking for another chance? How can i give you a second chance knowing that you were with someone else when we were together? How can i give you a second chance when you promised to not hurt me and you do exactly that? How can i give you a second chance when i felt so disgusted of myself when your co-worker gave me those smirks knowing exactly how i was suffering? I fucking hate you. You are so selfish. You wanted to enjoy, right? then have fun getting stuck with that fucked up bitch' taehyung Spat

' I-I'm so sorry' jungkook could only reply with that. He didn't know what to do. Taehyung's every word hit him and he just couldn't do anything and helplessly see taehyung saying each and every word which hit him very bad making him fall into a pit of guilt and hate for himself.

'you were never sorry. You choose to cheat on me and lie to me. I regret falling for you so much. I hope i never met you again. We are done. Don't show your pathetic self to me.' taehyung said standing up. Ready to leave the house.

'n-no taehyung p-please j-just don't leave m-me like this' jungkook said trying to talk it out with taehyung.

Taehyung stopped listening that he turned a little and looked at jungkook. How he was crying and said 'when i was in depression you left me just like that and never cared about my health then why must i be with you when you made fun of my love? You are very selfish to just think about yourself jungkook ' saying that he left.

Jungkook stood at the entrance. He stared at the retreating back of taehyung. Telling himself that it was all just a prank taehyung will come back to him. The door closed and thunder of clouds came. The whole reality came crashing upon him, taehyung wasn't going to come back to him.

Jungkook regretted the decisions he made. He does regret them very much. But now he  can't go back in time to change the choices he made. He would have to live with the guilt and regret.

Taehyung Pov:

Taehyung knew this was the end. He knew it but somewhere in his heart he felt relief maybe after this jungkook will learn from his mistake. Taehyung knew it would take some time but it was okay he will heal and make himself happy. It would take time but everything will eventually fall into it's place. Sure, he was angry at jungkook still is but maybe not meeting him again in his life gave him some relief.


Life is not always about bed of is about making right choices and overcoming probelms by yourself.

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