Love Hashira's Passion

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Izuku POV:

"You can't be serious of taking this offer?" I began tightening up my wrists and ankles with bandages while also making sure no other still somewhat open wounds were in the threat of getting hurt. As I did this, Shinobu tried to talk me out of the fight I agreed to with Mitsuri. "You do realize that fighting among Corps members is strictly prohibited, right?"

"As Mitsuri said in your office, this isn't really a 'fight'." I started to remember back when I was in the infirmary and hearing Mitsuri's offer to me.

Half an hour earlier

"I'm sorry. I need to clean out my ears a little. It almost sounded like you wanted me to fight you in hopes to find out if I'm suitable to marry you." I pulled out a little wax from my ears with my pinky finger before Mitsuri confirmed her claim.

"That's right. I joined the Demon Slayers to hopefully find a man of my own."

"Okaaaay. Here's a suggestion. Have you ever heard of online dating? If you're that desperate to find a man, then why not that?"

She looked away before answering. "That's not going to work. To be honest, they have to be stronger than me in order for me to be ok being with them." I still wasn't following why Mitsuri decided to join the Corps in hopes to find a man before Shinobu explained something.

"Mitsuri is a very special woman, Izuku. Her body is naturally stronger than it appears. On the outside, she may look like a frail and slender woman, but that's because of the type of muscles she has." As a way to explain, Mitsuri pulled her sleeve up to show her arm and began flexing. "As an example, that muscle she has is actually about eight times more than what it looks like in size. If the amount of strength Mitsuri had was visible, she'd probably look like one of the muscle head heroes you see. You know, the ones that look like they spend most of their free time lifting weights."

"This is also why my body consumes more food than normal." I turned back to Mitsuri who seemed somewhat embarrassed saying this. "I was told I could out eat three sumo wrestlers combined if I wanted to."

"Ok, now I know someone's pulling my leg here. The muscle structure I could believe, but eating as much as three sumo wrestlers? That seems a little off."

"It's actually true. I've seen her eat and it's both a marvel, and a disgust of a sight at the same time."

"I'm sorry, Shinobu! I don't want to eat this much!" Mitsuri began crying to Shinobu for it to once again confuse me.

"Ok. So you're strong enough where you can look like a male body builder and you can eat out a house at home. I'm still not following anything as to why the man has to be stronger than you."

Mitsuri sat back down and explained her story a little. "When I was about one, my abnormal strength was shown to my mother. I could lift up a very heavy rock like it was nothing to make her and my four siblings know that I'm not normal. Apparently, my black hair was also turned pink because of the sakura mochi that I regularly ate. These things were looked at as very off and I was asked to dye my hair. Since I was part of a high class family, I did what I could to fit into the mold I had to. I ate so little where I'd be prone to fainting, pretended to be weak and fragile, I even dyed my hair black so nobody would have a problem with how I looked. About a month before I joined the Demon Slayer Corps, I was given a marriage offer. I was happy to find someone to be with, but I knew there was only one way I could be with someone. So while alone, I showed my fiancé the real me. To say he was scared understatement. He called it off and I felt more alone than I've ever been. That is, until the master told me my power is a blessing and to offer a place where I can belong."

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