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"kurt, you can't just live here rent free eating my food and using my wifi! you need to go out into the world! get a job, find someone, settle down, move out!" Kurts mother shouted at him. the echo of her voice filling Kurts room, Kurt turned around in his gaming chair and shouted back, 

"mom, I swear to you this is going to work out! I just need time for people to notice me." he clenched his fists as to not break anything. He sighed, got up and closed the door then sat back into his gaming chair. the sun came in through the window and hit directly into his eyes, he closed his eyes and sat there for a moment, soaking in what just happened. if she kicked him out, he would have nowhere to go and nowhere to put his pc to stream on, he'd be incredibly fucked. 

who the fuck does she think she is? I do have a job, he thought to himself, she's just fucking blind and cant see how hard I'm trying. I mean come on, she doesn't even do much more than me.... 

He got up and fell into bed, let out a harsh sigh, and thought. the thoughts just swirled in his head, no matter how many deep breaths he took or sheets he gripped, they wouldn't still. he just sat there and thought about the fight for what felt like hours. Eventually he got tired of it and turned to the clock. 6:15 pm. maybe he could clock in and drive people around for a little while. 

driving always got his mind off things, it helped with his social skills too he thought. He grabbed his keys and made sure the supplies for the upcoming Lesson were well hidden. only two months until it happened. 

Camille Jacobs pov:

"You look fine Camille, I literally promise nobody is going to think otherwise," Emilia groaned from across the room. I stared harder at myself, trying to convince myself I looked fine.

I studied every detail, making sure it all looked perfect. the way the dress hugged my curves, the way my hair fell onto my shoulders, the way the dress was pulled to not show my bikini underneath. everything had to be perfect. it was my brothers birthday today, and his party was at my house, nothing could go wrong.

"I mean I guess so, but like come on. literally nothing can go wrong, or else im fucked and his birthday will be ruined and it will be literally all my fault-" I started to ramble.

"woah woah woah, calm down Camille. nothings going to be ruined, everything is perfect, I promise." Emilia reassured me, lying her phone on her chest while looking at me through the mirror. 

"okay, I need to go double check the poolside bar is stocked, will you check the buffet table is good?" I asked her, to which she quickly nodded and sat up, going out the door to my room. I walked carefully over to the door to my balcony, looking over LA's skyline always calmed me down. I took a deep breath, sighed, then walked out the door. 

I stepped carefully down the stairs, and out the large arching back door. the tanning chairs were lined perfectly, and the infinity pool overlooked the gorgeous skyline. The bowls of crackers and chips and cookies were lined, surrounded by smaller bowls of fruit and cheese. I smiled a little, it was perfect just how I wanted it. I sat there for a moment or two in silence, until a small breeze passed through the backyard, blowing my hair.

"fuck." I said, I'd have to go brush it again. I began to walk past the pool again, taking in the scene. the gold and white decor made the backyard look gorgeous. I walked back inside, up the stairs, and into my room. I picked up the brush from the vanity, and brushed through my hair again, I double checked that my room was cute just in case anyone wandered in here, and then I was off. 

I walked back downstairs to see Emilia in the front room, she gave me a thumbs up to signal that everything was fine. I let out a relieved sigh and smiled as I made my way to her.

"everything is going to be fine, I promise. Just don't focus on looks, focus on having fun."

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