6 - Waking up in panic

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I can hear people talking far away. Why do they have to be so loud and wake me up? I just want to sleep, don't they get that.

Also why does it feel I'm choking what's in my throat? I immediately start to panic and my eyes shoot open. I try to take out whatever is in my throat but before I know someone is holding my hands and gets them away from my mouth.

"Claire, try not to panic. Oliver is going to get this tube out of your throat now, so just try to stay still for a bit"

I can hear harry talking to me, but it just doesn't register. I'm in full panic mode now, there are so many things happening around me that it makes me very overwhelmed.

Then out of nowhere I feel the tube moving inside my throat and it makes me cough, once it's out it gives me some relief, but I just can't stop coughing. I can feel a wave of nausea and I try to sign that I have to throw up. Luckily harry notices and hold a bucket under my chin and holds my hair out of the way.

"it's okay Claire, just get it all out. Nothing to worry about it's just the medicine and the stress on your body that's making you feel sick at the moment" Harry says to me whilst rubbing my back trying to comfort me

"Do you feel like that was all?" Oliver asks me sweetly

I don't trust my voice at the moment, so I just nod to them. Harry gets the bucket away from me and walk out of the room. Oliver takes harry spot and gives me a big hug, which makes me start crying silently.

"try to relax a bit Claire, once you had a bit more sleep we will explain everything that happened to you. But for now, it's important to give your body the rest that it needs." 

With a shaking voice I whisper "I'm scared Ol"

"move a bit to the side Claire" I do as he asks me so. He immediately get's in to bed next to me and put my head on his shoulder and wraps his arm around me, just to give me some comfort. 

"I totally understand why your scared, but shall we talk about it after you have slept for a bit? It's goof to give your head and body some rest now, because it has experienced a lot of trauma"

I nod and cuddle in to him more closely, I can feel my eyes get heavier and heavier and before I know it I'm fast asleep again. 

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm trying to find a way to continu this story (also I'm not an English native speaker so there are probably a couple mistakes, sorry for that) 

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