2241 - 2250

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2241. In Our Dreams, We Only See Faces That We Already Know

2242. On an average people sleep around three hours less than other primates like chimps, rhesus monkeys, squirrel monkeys and baboons.

2243. Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health and safety. When we don't get adequate sleep, we accumulate a sleep debt that can be difficult to "pay back" if it becomes too big.

2244. You grow .3 inches while sleeping. But the growth is temporary as you shrink back down to normal after you’re awake for a few hours. When you sit or stand, your cartilage discs are squeezed by gravity, like sponges.

2245. Don’t lie in bed awake. If you can’t get to sleep, do something else, like reading or listening to music, until you feel tired.

2246. Fire alarms were invented because we can’t ‘properly’ smell smoke while we’re asleep. Many studies have shown that while noise can wake you up, smells won’t.

2247. You can experience an orgasm in your dream.

2248. Exercise too close to bed it elevates your core body temperature and may make it tough to fall asleep. It's best to avoid aerobic exercise in the 1 to 2 hours before you go to bed. Light stretching or yoga closer to bed is usually okay.

2249. Each year, sleep-related errors and accidents cost U.S. businesses an estimated $56 billion, cause nearly 25,000 deaths, and result in 2.5 million disabling injuries.

2250. Building healthy mini habits is the foolproof way to achieve excellence in life, regardless of how big and impossible it seems at first. Start with habits that are so small that we have no reason or excuse to ignore them.

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